๐ฏ BeatShot (Unreal Engine 5 Game)
๐ BeatShot Web Application using NextJS and Docker. You can view the live website at beatshot.gg
๐บ Anime Recommender System using UBCF, IBCF, SVD, ALS, and a hybrid model.
๐ซ CS:GO Match Predictions using Perceptron, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Naive Bayes from scratch.
๐ฏ Reinforcement Learning for Aim Training using Sarsa and Q-Learning.
๐ PageRank, Matrix Transpose, 1D Stencil Operation, TRMM: Parallel Optimization using SIMD, OpenMP, and MPI.
Occasionally, I write to the Developer Blog on BeatShot's website.