- 👋 Hi, I’m @markspan
Hello! I'm Mark M. Span, currently working at the University of Groningen as a Scientific Advisor at Research Support of BSS and as a lecturer in Experimental Psychology. I am passionate about combining technology with research to develop innovative solutions.
- Institution: University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
- Role: Scientific Advisor, Lecturer in Experimental Psychology
- Profile: University of Groningen Profile
- Send PolarBand H10 data to an LSL.
- Personal website hosted on GitHub Pages.
- OpenSesame plugins for communication with BSS RUG hardware.
- Capture video from a webcam and save it in MJPEG format with LSL marker streams.
Feel free to explore my repositories and connect with me!
- Mail: m.m.span@rug.nl
- GitHub: markspan
- Website: markspan.github.io
Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile!