_ _ _
| | | | ( )
_ __| |__ __ _ ___| | _|/ ___
| '__| '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ / / __|
| | | | | | (_| | (__| < \__ \
|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\ |___/
_ _ _ _
| | (_) | | | |
| |_ _ ___ | |_ __ _ ___ | |_ ___ ___
| __| |/ __| | __/ _' |/ __| | __/ _ \ / _ \
| |_| | (__ | || (_| | (__ | || (_) | __/
\__|_|\___| \__\__,_|\___| \__\___/ \___|
Reimagine tictactoe in 8086/386 intel assembly based on code from Bootsector games book.
Use keys from 1 to 9 (more help is on left bottom corner in game).
Use X key for game reset.
- runs on i386 and has been test on real hardware.i8086-tested
- runs on i8086 (Commodore PC-20-III) and has been test on real hardware.