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manny kung edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 3 revisions


Revised : 29 June 2023

Note: this road map is NOT set in stone and is subject to change throughout the development.

A. In-work


  • Higher resolution surface map.

B. Future Releases


  • Graphical placement of construction projects in mission creation wizard.


  • Relationships among settlements and Moon colonies.


  • Models communication channels such as radio, email, etc.


  • People returning to Earth.


  • Settlement template designer tool (external to the app?)


  • full settler life cycle (pregnancy, birth, childhood, aging, death)


  • dynamic mapping tools


  • Better command control and mission planning at settlement.


  • Dynamic help information

C. Past Releases






  • Leadership Hierarchy :
    • creates an organizational structure or chain of command for each settlement
    • assigns each person a role type, in addition to the job of a person
    • defines promotion and job ratings
  • Bots : assists human beings in performing certain routine tasks.
  • Greenhouse Ops : revamps crop growth model with unique growth phases for each crop category.
  • Weather : revamps weather modeling, add optical depth, wind speed, dust storm formation, etc..
  • Radiation Exposure : maximum radiation exposure for each person, radiation sicknesses.
  • Meteorite Impact : meteorite tracking/detection, accidents and mitigation.
  • Job Reassignment : records change of job assignment.
  • Task History : records the task and mission a settler does on each sol.
  • Sponsorship : each settlement must be sponsored by at least one space agency.
  • Country of Origin : each settler name (first and last name) are based upon his/her nationality.
  • Vehicle : model fuel cell, drivetrain characteristics, fuel consumption/mileage for each rover.

Note : transition to UI with JavaFX has been put on-hold

  • Proposed UI elements :
    • Main Menu : Spinning Mars Globe. Options to start a new sim, load from a saved sim, adjust screen resolutions, etc.
    • Notification Boxes : stackable popups for 4 types of historical events (malfunctions, medical, hazards, & transport)
    • Help Browser : versatile html5-compliant browser for displaying inline help.
    • 2 Theme Skins
    • Buttons for sound pane, speed pane, & Earth/Mars calendar
    • Chat Box and Headless Console
    • Quotation Popup
    • Dot Matrix News Ticker

01/17/2015 - Version 3.07

  • includes new activity spots in buildings and vehicles,
  • tunnel connections between underground buildings,
  • improves agriculture and new food production,
  • adds new event notification popups,
  • overall improvements to the UI look & feel.

05/12/2014 - Version 3.06

  • adds hallways and hatch connectors between buildings, people walking connected interior paths between buildings and avoiding exterior obstacles when walking outside.
  • starts Internationalization work- adds German and Danish language text based on the user's locale.

09/14/2013 - Version 3.05

  • includes a new emergency supply mission, dig local ice task, and a new Debian installation package.

05/13/2013 - Version 3.04

  • adds local X,Y locations for people and vehicles in the simulation, vehicles displayed on the settlement map tool, new arriving settlements can be created/edited with the resupply tool
  • adds a new tutorial window that displays when a new simulation is created (Lars).

10/29/2012 - Version 3.03

  • a maintenance release that focuses on performance improvement, tweaks, and fixing bugs
  • includes a new UI start up sound (Lars).

06/10/2012 - Version 3.02

  • includes a new resupply tool and adds person labels to the settlement map tool.
  • a large number of bug fixes were made in this release.

09/26/2011 - Version 3.01

  • includes improvements on the settlement map tool, two new settlement templates, and seven new buildings.

04/07/2011 - Version 3.00

  • adds a new simulation configuration dialog that lets the user configure a new simulation, and a settlement map tool that displays a graphical 2D map of each settlement.
  • lots of bug fixes and performance improvements.

07/01/2010 - Version 2.90

  • includes salvage of equipment, vehicles, and buildings as well as using the Nimbus look & feel (Lars).

01/11/2010 - Version 2.88

  • has a new webstart release (Christian), we converted the build environment to a Maven project (Christian), and fixed some bugs.

11/24/2009 - Version 2.87

  • includes new science skills, new scientist jobs, a new scientific study system with related tasks and missions, a new astronomy observatory building (Sebastien), settler age (Lars), and a new preferences tool (Lars).

05/27/2009 - Version 2.86

  • includes XML DTDs, switch to JDom library (Sebastien),
  • rover obstacle avoidance improvements, trading improvements,
  • fixes for settlement overpopulation,
  • lots of bug/performance fixes.

01/26/2009 - Version 2.85

  • adds settlement building construction, fuel power generation (Sebastien), power storage buildings.
  • adds a new splash screen sound (Lars).

06/25/2008 - Version 2.84

  • includes a mining mission, mineral concentrations, a light utility vehicle (Sebastien)
  • adds an inline user guide (Lars).

03/02/2008 - Version 2.83

  • includes manufacturing processes, compressed sound support (Sebastien) and logging (Sebastien).

11/30/2007 - Version 2.82

  • includes repair/maintenance parts, automatic UI settings loading/saving, and bug/performances fixes.

09/16/2007 - Version 2.81

  • includes a new trade mission, credit system and goods valuing system.

03/30/2007 - Version 2.80

  • includes a new mission tool for creating, editing and viewing missions.

07/23/2006 - Version 2.79

  • includes rover rescue/salvage missions, resources containers, and lots of bug fixes, refactoring and performance improvements.

10/22/2005 - Version 2.78

  • add UI sounds (w/ Dima Stephanchuk), individual person configuration, cooking task, chef profession, mission and task refactoring,
  • lots of bug fixes and small improvements.

10/03/2004 - Version 2.77

  • adds EVA suit tear malfunction (Rik Declercq), frost bite/nip illnesses (Rik Declercq), anxiety attack illness (Rik Declercq), teaching skills, settlement EVA maintenance, settler gender, settler social relationships (w/ Paul Speed), settler MBTI personalities (w/ Paula Jenkins), sound support (Dima Stephanchuk), Alpha Base settlement template, lots of bug fixes and small improvements.

08/04/2004 - Version 2.76

  • adds settler stress level, settlement and building crowding, landmark display (Dalen Kruse), settler job specialities, medical and botany science research, and settlement resupply missions.

04/15/2004 - Version 2.75

  • adds configurable settlement buildings, settlement power grid, resource processes, ice prospecting mission, historical events in the monitor tool (Barry Evans), vehicle trails and improved configuration files.

05/21/2002 - Version 2.74

  • adds a medical system (Barry Evans) and a malfunction/maintenance/repair system that allows settlers to die as a result of an illness or accident.
  • adds a general inventory system along with EVA operations as a part of missions or repair.
  • updates the Monitor tool to allow custom tabs and real-time charts and graphs.

12/27/2001 - Version 2.73

  • adds the ability to save and load simulations (Barry Evans).
  • XML configuration files allow the user to set simulation properties.
  • A new Monitor Tool shows a table of units and their information (Barry Evans).
  • many bugs have been fixed (Dalen Kruse).

08/18/2001 - Version 2.72

  • includes a Martian timekeeping system (clock/calendar), orbital tracking and day/night tracking.
  • refactors the settler AI completely and includes support for missions.
  • Two missions are included: Travel to Settlement mission and Collect Rock Samples Mission.
  • Sleeping and eating meal tasks have also been added.

01/31/2001 - Version 2.71

  • primarily focused on refactoring the code and reorganizing the directory structure.
  • The simulation and the user interface are now cleanly broken apart into two packages.
  • Greg Whelan added a new USGS mode that allows 8x zoom on the Mars Navigator surface map with an Internet connection.
  • Resources are produced and consumed a great deal more in the simulation.
  • INSITU resource processors have been added to the settlements to generate oxygen, fuel and water.
  • The problematic Installer application has been removed, but the download for the project is much larger now.

09/08/2000 - Version 2.7

  • includes random mechanical failures for vehicles, periodic vehicle maintenance in settlement garages, and a mechanic task and skill.
  • The crew of a rover that gets stuck will now slowly winch it along until it's free again.
  • Fuel is tracked in vehicles.
  • Configuration text files are included so that the user can modify the names of people, settlements and rovers.
  • The Martian globe in the Mars Navigator tool renders much faster now.

05/25/2000 - Version 2.65

  • concentrates on fleshing out settlements and improving the look and feel of the application. Facilities were added to settlements, including working greenhouses. The project now has a centered logo and a tiled background on its desktop, along with a splash screen at startup. The toolbar has been broken up into tool and unit toolbars. A new tool, the "Search Tool", has been added to improve searching for units. A "Tend Greenhouse" task has been added.

03/04/2000 - Version 2.6

  • provides more functionality for people in the simulation and displays the new information in a larger person detail window. People now have natural attributes, skills and tasks. The basic infrastructure for tasks are in place, but only two tasks, relaxing and driving, are currently implemented. Skills are fully implemented, but only one skill, "Driving", is currently used in conjunction with the driving task. Natural attributes are fully implemented with many attributes, but only one, "Experience Aptitude", has current practical use in conjunction with the driving task. There have been some significant structure changes in the program and all classes have some additional documentation.

09/06/1999 - Version 2.5

  • adds obstacle avoidance for rovers so they can go around rough terrain to avoid getting stuck. They can still get stuck in really bad terrain, but they generally do better than they used to. People also tend to drive to closer settlements now. Many bugs are fixed and there are a lot of internal changes that are transparent to the user but should make adding new features later easier. Rovers also have designated drivers, rather than just a list of passengers. Link buttons have been added to unit dialogs that will open up new unit windows. A "center map" button has also been added to each unit dialog to center the navigational window on the unit. The install application has been modified to use less memory. More people have been added, some with made up names.

07/19/1999 - Version 2.4

  • replaces the old topographical map with a new one based on recently released Mars Global Surveyor data. It is a lot more accurate as the previous one was based on Viking orbiter data, but doesn't compress as well. I ended up with a download of 2.05Mb up from 1.6Mb in the last version. It has a new color legend and the rovers have been calibrated to the new scheme. I came up with some sample names for settlements and some of my friends and family have agreed to let me use their names for sample people. The code has been cleaned up some as well. The undistorted original large data files are available on the site if anyone cares to download them. They have a slightly better image quality than the install data files.

06/30/1999 - Version 2.3

  • has the entire interface redone in Swing. There's now a desktop to contain the simulation with a flexible toolbar. All interface windows have been heavily redone. The source code has been cleaned up quite a bit as well. I've copyrighted the project under the GNU Public License to assure it remains free and cannot be used as a part of a proprietary project. The sample people and settlements from Kim Stanley Robinson's novel, 'Red Mars', have been removed to avoid copyright problems, and has been replaced by random settlements and all units have simple names for now.

05/11/1999 - Version 2.2

  • includes an installation application and compressed data files, resulting in a much smaller download (1.6Mb compared to 6.5Mb). Both a new Swing and an older command line version of the installer are included. You have to run one of the installers to decompress the data files, but I think the download time saved is worth it. The data files are slightly degraded due to the compression, but still acceptable. I also improved the vehicle terrain grade effect on ground vehicles. The source code is freely available in a separate download. I've included a README file with instructions for installing and running the program.

02/15/1999 - Version 2.1

  • includes terrain elevation and average grade effect on vehicles, as well as some major changes in the vehicle info dialog window. I have also included the source code with the full installation.

11/23/1998 - Version 2.0

  • includes a sample group of people, (based on some of the First One Hundred in Kim Stanley Robinson's novel, 'Red Mars') randomly distributed among the settlements, as well as 15 vehicles. People, vehicles, and settlements have behaviors and can take action, and the navigation interface updates every couple of seconds to reflect positioning changes. Only the most basic actions are currently built in, but the foundation is layed for more advanced behaviors later. Settlements, vehicles, and people each have a pop-up dialog window that displays their information and updates itself.

10/20/1998 - Version 1.3

  • includes a sample group of settlements based on Kim Stanley Robinson's novel, Green Mars.
    Also added distance legend.

10/06/1998 - Version 1.2

  • incorporates a topographical mode to show elevation.

09/28/1998 - Version 1.1

  • allows the user to recenter on any point on the map by clicking on it. I also used double buffering to reduce flash on both the map and the globe.

09/21/1998 - Version 1.0

  • Builds a basic navigation interface. The interface produces a 300x300 pixel map centered anywhere on the surface of Mars with a resolution of approximately 7.4km per pixel edge.
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