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manny kung edited this page Jul 24, 2022 · 6 revisions


Revised 24 Jul 2022

A. Performing Tasks

There are 50+ types of Task in mars-sim. See this folder.

Each settler is given a list of possible tasks to do within the scope of his Role Type and his Job Type.

Each settler has unique preferences as to whether he likes or doesn't like to do certain task. One can take a look at the Preference tab of the Person Window of each settler to discover his/her task preferences.

While a settler normally undertakes one task at a time, some tasks requires a person to walk to a specific area of a building/settlement and thus executing sub-tasks (such as WalkOutside, ExitAirlock, WalkRoverInterior, etc).

Initially for a beginning settlement, most settlers will spend much of their time performing Tasks that have to do survival by living off the land. They may be busy in maintenance, ensuring life support resources are well balanced, growing crops in greenhouses, and manufacturing needed parts and equipment in workshops.

A settler may also be chosen to participate in a Mission. During a mission, he/she will perform specific tasks that are unique to that mission.

Over time, more settlers will have freedom to go out on rover missions to gather resources, prospect and mine minerals, and trade with neighboring settlements via trading missions, and explore/study surrounding landscapes.

B. Corresponding Meta Tasks

There is a total of 40+ Meta Tasks in mars-sim.

A Meta Task is simply a class that set up preconditions and filters when calculating the probability or likelihood of selecting its corresponding Task.

Each Meta Task class usually has a corresponding Task class. But not every Task has a Meta Task.

For instance, the Meta Task SleepMeta corresponds with the Task Sleep.

C. Work Shift as Category

Meta Tasks or Tasks are divided into 3 categories which corresponds to the Work Shift of a person.

Categories of Tasks
Work Hour Tasks
Non-work Hour Tasks
Any Hour Tasks

e.g. Certain tasks such as Compile Scientific Study is a work hour task. Play Holo Game is a non-work hour task. EatDrink is an any hour task.

D. Projects and Activities

So far, each Task and Meta Task requires a lot of hand-crafting on the codes to make it work on mars-sim.

From this discussion, we have looked at how we may expand the capability of mars-sim by incorporating the idea of a project or activity in mars-sim.

In essence, we are taking mars-sim to the next level by making mars-sim more architecturally friendly. We will look forward to hearing from you all in giving us suggestions in creating more diverse types of tasks for the settlers in future.

Also feel free to contribute to how we may do better.

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