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Sound and Music

manny kung edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 4 revisions

Sound and Music

Revised : 22 Oct 2021

Theme Track

mars-sim allows running background music in a loop.

Thanks to Lars Næsbye Christensen for graciously composing a theme sound track called Areologie for mars-sim.

It's available for downloading at this location.

In order to use the background music during the simulation, just place Areologie.ogg and/or any ogg music files of your choice inside the folder [$USER_MACHINE]/.mars-sim/music/.

Note that mars-sim currently requires the use of ogg format for background music. Make sure you convert your favorite sound tracks into .ogg in order to be picked up by the audio player in mars-sim.


In v3.1.0, we have since added a background music loop. We now have a sound panel for volume control for both background music and sound effect.

As of v2.86, we have an opening splash screen sound, sounds for opening up a person window (both male and female), sounds for opening up a vehicle window (moving, breakdown, maintenance) and a sound for opening up a settlement window.


  1. Add dynamically-generated music based on the events in the simulation. Of course, we should consider the amount of CPU processing required.
  2. Use more sound effects for people based on their current activity.

Note 1: any sounds we use will have to be copyright licensed in a way that is compatible with a Free Software project.

Note 2: a good place for finding sounds or base sounds to work with is the Freesound Project.

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