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manny kung edited this page Oct 9, 2018 · 4 revisions


Revised : 9 Oct 2018

Studies on weather metrics have been on-going since the 1960s.

It was said that the seasonal variations on Mars is primarily due to solar influences as well as freezing and thawing of a significant fraction of the atmosphere at the polar caps.

Many theoretical framework have been proposed for constructing a weather model on Mars that may corroborate with actual surface data from the two Viking missions and from more recent Mars missions.

Even though, we do NOT have a complete weather model for mars-sim, beginning in 3.07, we incorporate various weather elements such as

  1. Outside Temperature
  2. Outdoor Air Pressure
  3. Air Density
  4. Wind Direction
  5. Wind Speed
  6. Solar Irradiance
  7. Optical Depth
  8. Solar Declination Angle
  9. Zenith Angle

In future, we may make use of weather information to allow modeling of dirigibles (lighter than air craft), aerobreaking maneuvers, reduced life support requirements in lower lying terrain, wind directions and speeds for wind turbines, dust storms that cover solar panels and block communications, putting up weather balloons, and how the data may be useful for the meteorologically-inclined settlers to carry out analysis.


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