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Fintech Transaction Analyzer API

This application implements transaction analyzer GraphQL API in Elixir using the Phoenix framework. It allows users to upload financial transaction data in CSV format and provides insights and statistics about the uploaded transactions.

Set up

Assuming Erlang, Elixir, and Postgres are installed, clone the repo and enter its directory.

  • Install and compile dependencies:
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
  • Configure the database:

The default dev database options are configured in config/dev.exs

config :fin_analyzer, FinAnalyzer.Repo

Set the username, password, or database name according to your preference.

  • Create the database:
mix ecto.create
  • Run migrations:
mix ecto.migrate
  • Run the Phoenix server:
mix phx.server


The following GraphQL queries and mutations are available to interact with the API.

Authenticate user

First, we register a new user:

mutation {
  registerUser(email: "", password:"super-secret") {

and log in by generating a token:

mutation {
  logIn(email: "", password:"super-secret") {

Once we have a user token, we can use it to authenticate transaction queries by including it as the value of the Authorization header.

When we are done, we can log out which deletes the user token:

mutation {

Create, show, and categorize transactions

When in possession of the auth token, execute the following mutation to upload transactions stored in a sample CSV file data/transaction.csv:

curl -X POST \
-H "authorization: <auth-token>" \
-F query="mutation { uploadTransactions(transactions: \"transactions_csv\")}" \
-F transactions_csv=@data/transactions.csv \

The provided sample file contains 78 transactions for testing.

We have used Relay's connection for some fields including transactions. This is how we show all uploaded transactions for our user:

query {
  transactions(first:78) {
    edges {
      node {

Each transaction already has a category assigned. This is how we can change the transaction category:

mutation {
    id: "<transaction-uuid>"
    category: SPORTS) {

Analyze transactions

Finally, we can gain some insights into the user's spending by analyzing them.

  • We can show the largest expenses in descending order by amount:
query {
  largestExpenses(first: 5) {
    edges {
      node {
  • We can display average amount spent for each month:
query {
  averageMonthlySpending {
  • Finally, we can see some statistics for a category:
query {
  categoryStats(category: ENTERTAINMENT) {

NOTE: All GraphQL queries and mutations can be imported into Insomnia client using insomnia_export.json file, which is included in this repo.


phx.gen.auth generated tests for the Accounts context. Creating Transactions context then generated tests for its context. I've added HTTP tests for those queries and mutations that I implemented for transactions and analysis API:

To execute all tests:

mix test

To execute only HTTP tests for GraphQL API:

mix test test/fin_analyzer_web/schema

Design Decisions

The task assignment clearly described the functionality to be implemented. The queries and mutations followed naturally from the description. One design decision was to sort retrieved transactions by date and amount in descending order, which makes the queries' outcomes deterministic. One useful enhancement is to use Absinthe with Relay to allow for paginating results. This offers more flexibility to the API consumer for navigating query responses.

In the transaction import via CSV, I implemented best-effort import. Thus, rows which contain valid data get imported while rows with invalid data are reported in errors as in the following example:

  "data": {
    "uploadTransactions": {
      "errors": [
          "row": 2,
          "validation": [
            "Date can't be blank",
            "Amount can't be blank"
          "row": 3,
          "validation": [
            "Category can't be blank"
      "result": "sucessfully uploaded 76 transactions"

Analysis: Elixir vs. SQL

Initially, I computed the average monthly spending and category breakdown statistics with Elixir using the list of all user transactions returned from the database. It turns out that this approach is inefficient compared to computing these directly with SQL (or Ecto where supported) using SQL aggregate functions COUNT, SUM, and AVG. Using these significantly improved the query response times.

Below are the response time comparisons of the original implementation in Elixir and the new implementation with SQL aggregate functions when querying a database where the user has 147 965 transactions.

Average monthly spending

Query averageMonthly averageMonthlySql
2950 592
2790 105
2810 108
2880 102
2440 94
Average response time (ms) 2774 200.2

For average monthly spending statistics, the SQL query is 13.8 times faster.

Category breakdown

Query categoryStats categoryStatsSql
1290 485
939 95
884 98
728 81
796 85
Average response time (ms) 927.4 168.8

For category breakdown, the SQL query is 5.5 times faster.


Fintech Transaction Analyzer API







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