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-------------- READ-ME file for the TAMUoic2019 database ---------------

This is a database of the single-scattering properties of oriented ice crystals (OIC). The two major oriented particles, horizontally oriented plates (HOP) and columns (HOC), are considered in the database. The organization of this database is described in the ReadMe file.

Lead developer: Dr. Masanori Saito ( PI: Dr. Ping Yang

History (MM/DD/YYYY) (Author) (Contents) 02/01/2018 Masa Saito Project initiated. 12/10/2018 Masa Saito HOP completed. 03/01/2019 Masa Saito HOC completed. 07/10/2019 Masa Saito Version 1.0.0 Released. 04/18/2021 Masa Saito Encoder and kernel technique implemented. 04/24/2021 Masa Saito Version 1.1.0 Released.

  1. General information

    The TAMUoic2019 database includes the single-scattering properties of oriented ice crystals. This database is useful for users who would like to consider horizontally oriented ice crystals in ice clouds in various radiative transfer simulations such as lidar signals and brightness distributions on the sky. Several example simulations are performed and summarized in the following paper.


    1). Saito, M., and P. Yang (2019), Oriented ice crystals: A single-scattering property database for applications to lidar and optical phenomenon simulations, J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 2635--2652.

    1.1 Code and Database

    The TAMUoic2019 database consists of the following directories:

    src		:: Source code
    src/hparx  	:: HPARX library used for the TAMUoic2019 
                        database encoding
    bin		:: Executable command path
    examples		:: Example namelist files
    examples/output  :: Directory for the output from the test run 
    params           :: Directory for the data-kernel parameter 

    In addition to these three directories, users will need to obtain the following directory data from (for more information, please visit data-and-resources/tamuoic2019).

    tables	 	:: Data kernels

    1.2 Variable Definition

    W :: wavelength (micron, um) D :: maximum dimension (um), defined as an average of circumscribed diameters of individual particles. th_i :: Incident polar angle (deg) V :: volume of a particle (um^3)
    Aproj :: projected area in case of random orientation (um^2) Ageo :: projected area in case of a specific orientation (um^2) Qe :: extinction efficiency SSA :: single-scattering albedo g :: asymmetry factor P?? :: phase matrix elements (?? includes 11, 12, 22, 33, 43, and 44)

    Whole steradian integral of P11 is 4*pi:

        pi     2*pi
     int    int     P11 d(zenith angle)d(azimuth angle)=4*pi
        0      0

    Other independent phase matrix elements P12, P13, ..., and P44 are normalized by P11.

  2. Installation

First, to install the database creation codes, edit the following files:


In these files, users can specify their compiler (FC; e.g., gfortran) and associate options (FCFLAGS).

Then, command as follows:

 $ cd ./src/hparx
 $ make
 $ cd ../
 $ make install

In the end, the following executable files will be created in the "bin" directory:

 tamuoic2019encode	:: Encode the single-scattering property 
		   database of oriented ice crystals with the
                       ASCII format.
  1. How to run the codes

3.1 Examples

 Go to the example directory (examples), and users will find 
 several files and directories as follows:

   output/ 			  :: a directory for output 
   TAMUoic2019encode_exp1.nml :: an example namelist (single case)
   TAMUoic2019encode_exp2.nml :: an example namelist (size-resolved
   TAMUoic2019encode_exp3.nml :: an example namelist (size and 
                                 incident angle resolved database)

 Simply, type the following command

   $ ../bin/tamuoic2019encode TAMUoic2019encode_exp?.nml

 Then, the ASCII format of the user-specific database is stored in
 the "output" directory (by default).  

3.2 Namelist

 The namelist contains 

 ******* Begin *******

    TAMUoic2019path = '../tables' ! (FIXED)
    outpath         = './output'  ! (USER-SPECIFIED)

    nsiz = 1                      ! (USER-SPECIFIED)
    nwav = 1                      ! (USER-SPECIFIED)
    niang= 1                      ! (USER-SPECIFIED)
    siz(1:1) = 1.0000000E+02      ! (USER-SPECIFIED)
    wav(1:1) = 3.5500000E-01      ! (USER-SPECIFIED)
    iang(1:1)= 3.0000000E-01      ! (USER-SPECIFIED)
    hab    = 'OrientedPlate'      ! (USER-SPECIFIED) 
    pol    = 'Vector'             ! (USER-SPECIFIED) 
 *******  End  *******

 Users do not have to change the table configurations marked as 

 For other parameters marked as (USER-SPECIFIED) is what users can 
 specify  as explained in the subsections below, including 
 wavelengths, incident polar angles, and maximum diameters. 

 To specify multiple bins in user-specified parameters, a user 
 needs to modify the max. # of elements of a parameter and 
 associate bin parameter. For example, a namelist that produce the 
 database with multiple maximum diameters should have the following

    siz(1:{USER-SPECIFIED_NUMBER_N}) = {Bin1}, {Bin2}, ..., {Bin_N}

 'hab' indicates the ice crystal habit, which should be either
 "OrientedPlate" for HOP or "OrientedColumn" for HOC.
 'pol' indicates the polarization in the phase matrix, which should 
 be either "Scaler" or "Vector". 

 To run tamuoic2019encode, simply type:

   $ ../bin/tamuoic2019encode {NAMELIST}
  1. Output

    Output is 17 ASCII files including:

    isca.dat :: Geometric and scattering properties P11.dat :: Scattering phase matrix element P11 P12.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P12/P11 P13.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P13/P11 P14.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P14/P11 P21.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P21/P11 P22.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P22/P11 P23.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P23/P11 P24.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P24/P11 P31.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P31/P11 P32.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P32/P11 P33.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P33/P11 P34.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P34/P11 P41.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P41/P11 P42.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P42/P11 P43.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P43/P11 P44.dat :: Normalized scattering phase matrix element P44/P11.

    4.1 "isca.dat"

    'isca.dat' consists of nwavniangnsiz lines and 9 columns as follows:

    1). wavelength (µm) 2). maximum dimension of the particle (µm) 3). incident polar angle (deg) 4). volume of particle (um^3) 5). geometric projected area (um^2) 6). projected area for random orientation (um^2) 7). extinction efficiency 8). single-scattering albedo 9). asymmetry factor

    For example, 'isca.dat' with nwav=2, niang=10, and nsiz=20 consists of 21020=400 lines in which the first 20 lines are for various sizes with a first incident polar angle and wavelength. The next 20 lines are for various sizes with a second incident polar angle and the first wavelength. The loop structure is as follows:

    do iwav = 1, nwav        ! wavelength
       do iiang = 1, niang   ! incident polar angle 
          do isiz = 1, nsiz  ! maximum diameter
             (9 columns; W, D, th_i, V, Ageo, Aproj, Qext, SSA, g)
          end do
       end do
    end do

    4.2 "P??.dat"

    'P??.dat' consists of nwavniangnsiz*naang+1 lines and 498 columns corresponding to the scattering polar angle. The first line shows scattering angles (0-180 degree) and the rest of lines shows the
    corresponding two-dimensional phase matrix function (P11) or their normalized counterparts (e.g., P??/P11). The loop structure is as follows.

    do iwav = 1, nwav        ! wavelength
       do iiang = 1, niang   ! incident polar angle 
          do isiz = 1, nsiz  ! maximum diameter
             *** 2D phase matrix element block BEGIN ***
             do iaang = 1, naang      ! scattering azimuthal angle            
                (498 columns; P?? for each scatter polar angle)
             end do
             *** 2D phase matrix element block END ***
          end do
       end do
    end do
  2. Requirements

The lead developer, Dr. Masanori Saito encourages the research
community to utilize the TAMUoic2019 database for ice cloud 
studies. The only requirement in regards to utilizing the 
scattering property database for research is to acknowledge our 
contribution in papers/presentations by:

  1. cite Saito and Yang (2019) in a relevant section of the 
     main text.
  2. add the following description in Acknowledgement section or 
     Data Availability section:
"The scattering properties are obtained from TAMUoic2019."
  1. Contact Information

    Dr. Masanori Saito ( Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University.


Source codes for the TAMUoic2019 database







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