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Alertmanager Discord Webhook

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The goal of this applications is to serve as a customizable Discord webhook for Alertmanager.

With its default configuration, the application behaves similarly to benjojo's alertmanager-discord, aggregating alerts by status and sending them with a colored embed accordingly. Adding to that, we're able to route alerts to multiple channels in a single instance and group by alertname.

However, there are a few other things you might want in a production environment, such as:

  • Define Discord Roles to be mentioned when:
    • There are too many firing alerts;
    • Any of the alerts contains a specified severity value, like "critical" or "disaster";
  • Change Embed appearance to provide better visual clues of what is going on;
  • Define a priority to each severity, so the alerts are always shown in an expected order.

How it looks like

To reproduce these prints, check Develop and Experiment

In it's default configuration, here's how the message should look like:

Status Message Type

Using severity message type:

Severity Message Type

How To Use It

The application expects Alertmanager's webhook body in the path /:channel. The channel should match one of the provided Discord channel keys in the configuration. As stated before, you can have as many channels as you want, as long as they are represented by a different key in the channels config property. That is the only routing logic provided by this application, since Alertmanager has a rich routing configuration itself, based on label matching. You can freely Experiment with this configurations using this repo.

  1. You begin by defining alert rules in Prometheus. This rules will be evaluated and sent to Alertmanager as defined in the alerting field in prometheus.yaml configuration.
  2. Then you should create your routing logic in Alertmanager's config file, using labels to define which receivers (webhooks in our case) should handle the Alerts. That is the moment we define to which Discord channel the alerts will be sent. Here's a snippet from the config:
    # Any alert that contains the label "owner: team-go" should be sent to the
    # Discord Channel #team-go, represented by the receiver "discord-team-go"
    - match:
        owner: team-prometheus
      receiver: "discord-team-prometheus"
      continue: false
    - match:
        owner: team-go
      receiver: "discord-team-go"
      # If you want matching alerts to also go to the global receiver "discord-default"
      # set "continue: true". They'll join alerts not matched and will be sent together.
      continue: true
    - receiver: "discord-default"
  - name: "discord-default"
      - send_resolved: true
        url: "http://app:8080/default"
  - name: "discord-team-go"
      - send_resolved: true
        url: "http://app:8080/team-go"
  - name: "discord-team-prometheus"
      - send_resolved: true
        url: "http://app:8080/team-prometheus"
  1. Last, but not least, you should configure the application choosing one of the following approaches:
    1. Status based: If messageType is set to status (the default), the application will only group alerts by name and send them with embeds stylized accordingly to status.
    2. Severity based: If messageType is set to severity, some features will be enabled, such as:
      1. Choose the label name that carries the severity levels. Default is severity;
      2. Change the embed's color and title emoji based on severity value;
      3. *Choose which severities should trigger a mention in Discord;
      4. *Choose which severities can be ignored when not accompanied by others. E.g.: Only send alerts with severity "information" if any other of higher severity is also triggered;

*Can be set globally or by Channel

Take a look at the example config! Each property is commented for better understanding. You can use either JSON or YAML for the config file, as long as it finishes with one of the following extensions: .json, .yaml, .yml

Copy the example config to a file named my-config.yaml and use your own webhookURLs. This is the filename expected by docker-compose. This file is gitignored.

You cannot have the word discord in the username config property. Hence, the default username is alertmanager, but this is an assumption and you can change it at will. See config.go to check all the possible customizations.

Install in Kubernetes with Helm

There's a Helm Chart available at masgustavos/helm/alertmanager-discord. Take a look at the example values for both the alertmanager-discord and the community Prometheus Helm Chart (which includes the config for Alertmanager).

# Add the repository
helm repo add masgustavos
# Install the chart
helm install alertmanager-discord --values <path_to_your_values> masgustavos/alertmanager-discord

Develop and Experiment

Remember to copy the config.example.yaml file to a file named my-config.yaml and change the webhookURLs! If you want to use a different name, remember to change the CONFIG_PATH ENV var on docker-compose.yaml.

There's a docker-compose.yaml with an ephemeral Prometheus and Alertmanager, so you can spin up a small environment and test different configurations. The configuration files to be mounted in the testing containers can be found in the mock folder:

To execute the application simply run docker-compose up. Whenever you change your config, run docker-compose restart app.


  • Send message in batches when there is more than 10 embeds;


  • Discord Colors
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