- short summary about value-based method
refs: openai gym wiki
1.1 Classic Control
- CartPole-v1
- states space: Box(4, )
- action space: discrete(2)
- Acrobot-v1
- state space: Box(6, )
- action space: Discrete(3)
- MountainCar-v0
- state space: Box(2, )
- action space: Discrete(3)
- MountainCarContinuous-v0
- state space: Box(2, )
- action space: Box(1, )
- Pendulum-v0
- state space: Box(3, )
- action space: Box(1, )
1.2 Box2D
- CarRacing-v1
Box2D dependency, install discussion.
sudo apt-get install swig
workon your_venv
cd Box2D-py
python setup.py clean
python setup.py install
1.3 Atari
- Breakout-v0
- Pong-v0
1.4 MuJoCo
1.5 Others
- gym-TORCS
- github
- environment instruction
- ddpg showcase by Ben Lau
- my implementation using PPO and beta distribution
- Unity Banana Navigation
- Unity Reacher to learn gesture
- Unity Tennis
- 2D arm tracking object