1: modified tracing nemu for ecpt;
1: add a new memory mapping for sim_rtl;
2: modify ecpt Makefile for sim_rtl;
1: modified multi-core initialization in 'boot1.S' file;
2: update README.md;
1: add trace log to nemu; 2: update README.md;
1:modifying compilation parameters; 2: update READE.md; step1: get BBV make ISA=riscv64 CPU_ARCH=NEMU_SIM step2:simpoint cluster ./simpoint~ step3: get checkpoint make ISA=riscv64 CPU_ARCH=NEMU_SIM STEP_GETCP=Y STEP3=-DGETCP
1: "profile workload"
You need to configure the memory map by running "make menuconfig", and compile NEMU by running "make CPU_ARCH=workload"
./build/riscv64-nemu-interpreter -b ./hello_world.bin -D spec_cpt/ -w workloadName -C run_spec --simpoint-profile --cpt-interval 1000
2: simpoint cluster
./resource/simpoint/simpoint_repo/bin/simpoint -loadFVFile ./spec_cpt/run_spec/workloadName/simpoint_bbv.gz -saveSimpoints ./spec_cpt/cluster/workloadName/simpoints0 -saveSimpointWeights ./spec_cpt/cluster/workloadName/weights0 -inputVectorsGzipped -maxK 30 -numInitSeeds 5 -iters 100 -seedkm 123456 -seedproj 654321
3: get checkpoint
./build/riscv64-nemu-interpreter ./hello_world.bin -b -D ./spec_cpt -w workloadName -C take_cpt -S ./spec_cpt/cluster/ --cpt-interval=1000 -r ./resource/ecpt/build/ecpt.bin