Matchd is a job matching system that matches candidates to companies based on a number of factors, making the screening process much easier for recruiters and thus faciliting the talent search process for companies.
Matchd is a VUE 2 based project and uses a GraphQL as its main (and only) API. A local development environment is available to quickly get up and running.
$ npm ci
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build
$ npm run test:lint
$ npm run test:ct
The local deployment offers an unsecured —no CSRF token required— GraphQL endpoint which can be used for introspection or schema generation with third party tools.
To generate JSON Schemas and its respective Typescript types you can do the following:
$ npm run graphql:introspection
$ npm run graphql:codegen
## Or use the following command to run both commands in a row succession.
$ npm run graphql