✏️ Script for renaming and recursively renaming files and folders
Add --depth
option to be used in conjunction with the recursive flag
npm i -g mateja176/rename
rename --help
rename --path src --find '(.+)\.js' --replace '$1.ts' --recursive
Be careful when using the --recursive
flag. It can affect many assets at once and you may find it difficult if not impossible to undo a recursive rename in cases where the rename was informationally destructive
'toUpperCase' | 'toLowerCase' | 'trim' | 'trimLeft' | 'trimRight';
rename --find '.+' --replace '$&' --transformations '{ "$&": ["trim"] }' --recursive
rename --find '(.+)(\.ts)' --replace '$1$2' --transformations '{ "$1": ["trim"] }"
rename --find '.+' --replace '$&' --transformations '{ "$&": ["toLowerCase"] }'