Implementation of deep forest [1] in Python 3.
Also contains a few new features, which are turned off by default:
- random subspace forests [2],
- X-of-N trees and random X-of-N forests [3],
- new type of "aggregation" (ending) layer (which is used to make predictions from last layer's features).
Original paper on gcForest is by Zhi-Hua Zhou and Ji Feng and can be found at
First, clone the repository.
$ git clone
$ cd deep-rf
Install the required packages.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
OPTIONAL: Install the optional packages, which are only used to load the MNIST data set (will be
needed to run the examples/
$ pip install -r requirements-opt.txt
Then run
$ python install
Run the tests from root of project:
$ python -m unittest
The following example builds a deep forest that consists only of cascade forest (no multi-grained scanning). Each layer contains 4 random, 4 completely random and 4 random subspace forests. Each of these forests contains 500 trees. Anywhere k-fold cross-validation is used in the deep forest algorithm, k = 3. The predictions of models in last layer are combined using stacking. The example uses LETTER data set for fitting and predicting.
import numpy as np
from gcforest.gc_forest import GrainedCascadeForest
from gcforest import datasets
train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y = datasets.prep_letter()
gcf = GrainedCascadeForest(n_rf_cascade=4,
# fit_predict(...) does 'simultaneous' fitting and predicting, i.e. trains a part of forest
# and right after that uses the part to predict intermediate probabilities for the built part
# this is done so that the built models do not need to be kept in memory (as they can quickly
# grow beyond your computer's memory capacity)
preds = gcf.fit_predict(train_X, train_y, test_feats=test_X)
ca = np.sum(preds == test_y) / test_y.shape[0]
print("Classification accuracy: %.5f" % ca)
The examples/
folder contains two more examples of using this implementation.
map contains the logic of the implementation,data/
map contains a few data sets that were used to test this implementation,examples/
map contains a few examples on how to use the implementation,tests/
map constains tests (WIP).
[1] Zhou, Z. H., and Feng, J. (2017). Deep forest: Towards an alternative to deep neural networks. In IJCAI-2017.
[2] Ho, T. K. (1998). The random subspace method for constructing decision forests. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20(8), 832-844.
[3] Zheng, Z. (2000). Constructing X-of-N attributes for decision tree learning. Machine learning, 40(1), 35-75.