mateors web app necessary
go get
go get -u
var FuncMap = template.FuncMap{
"minus": Mminus,
"mFormat": Mformat,
"toFloat64": MtoFloat64,
"toString": MtoString,
"toWords": AmountInWords,
"plus": Plus,
"getFieldValue": GetFieldValue,
"sign": GetSign,
"fdate": FormateDate,
"famount": AmountFromDebitCredit,
"getTextMenus": GetTextMenus,
"getImageMenus": GetImageMenus,
"getMatchedRow": GetMatchedRow,
"getLinkRow": GetLinkRow,
"getLinkRowByField": GetLinkRowByField,
"moneyFormat": MoneyFormat,
"detailsParser": LinkDetailsParser,
"subTotal": SubTotal,
"replaceSpace": ReplaceSpaceBy,
"toSlice": StringToSlice,
"parseDimension": ParseDimension,
"uPlus": Uplus,
"wishList": WishList,
"divideBy": DivideBy,
func AmountFromDebitCredit(debit, credit interface{}) (famount string) AmountFromDebitCredit to get which one has value not 0
func AmountInWords(amount interface{}) (inwords string) AmountInWords any type amount to string type conversion
func ArrayDiff(a, b []string) []string ArrayDiff Input two string array and get the difference value array
func ArrayDuplicate(a, b []string) []string ArrayDuplicate Get the duplicate value array from two different array
func ArrayFind(array []string, value string) (bool, int) ArrayFind Find a value in_array with its index number
func ArrayValueExist(array []string, value string) bool ArrayValueExist Make sure a value exist in_array or not
func Bar(a, b, c int) Bar test func
func BrowserInfo(userAgent, battery string) map[string]string BrowserInfo parse useragent to map
func BrowserInfo2(userAgent string) map[string]string BrowserInfo2 parse useragent to map
func Call(m map[string]interface{}, name string, params ...interface{}) (result []reflect.Value, err error) Call advance func used in
func CheckError(formData url.Values, db *sql.DB) string CheckError error checklist for signup || check Multiple Condition
func CheckFileOrFolderExist(dirName string) bool CheckFileOrFolderExist takes one argument
func CheckMultipleConditionTrue(formData url.Values, funcsMap map[string]interface{}, db *mcb.DB) string CheckMultipleConditionTrue this func is used for checking multiple conditions valid or ERROR
func CleanText(example string) string CleanText takes any string containing any character and return Alphanumeric
func Convert(number int) string Convert converts number into the words representation.
func ConvertAnd(number int) string ConvertAnd converts number into the words representation with " and " added between number groups.
func DateTimeParser(inputDateTime, inputFormat, outputFormat string) (datetime string) DateTimeParser datetime parser according to your format
func DivideBy(a, b interface{}) float64 DivideBy to division on golang html template
func ErrorInSlice(slice []string, val string) (int, bool) ErrorInSlice to detect error in a string
func Foo() Foo test func
func FormateDate(date string) (fdate string) FormateDate date formatter
func GenerateBlockNumber() (blockNumber string) GenerateBlockNumber unique hexa code
func GenerateDocNumber(prefix string) (docNumber string) GenerateDocNumber to Generate random unique document number
func GenerateLedgerNumber(prefix, suffix string) (ledgerNumber string) GenerateLedgerNumber for accounting voucher
func GenerateVisitorSession() string GenerateVisitorSession using uuid
func GetFieldValue(tableRows []map[string]interface{}, fieldName, findMyName string) (sRow map[string]interface{}) GetFieldValue to get any field value
func GetImageMenus(tableRows []map[string]interface{}, menuID string) map[string]interface{} GetImageMenus for link create purpose
func GetLinkRow(tableRows []map[string]interface{}, imenuID string) (sRow []map[string]interface{}) GetLinkRow getMatchedRow for go template
func GetLinkRowByField(tableRows []map[string]interface{}, fieldName, menuID string) (sRow []map[string]interface{}) GetLinkRowByField for template page
func GetMatchedRow(tableRows []map[string]interface{}, fieldName, matchValue string) (sRow []map[string]interface{}) GetMatchedRow for golang html template
func GetSign(voucherName string) (sign string) GetSign Get a sign looking at voucher_name, used in transaction
func GetTextMenus(tableRows []map[string]interface{}, menuID string) map[string]interface{} GetTextMenus for text link
func IPAddress(RemoteAddr string) (ipaddress string) IPAddress [::1] to fresh ip
func LinkDetailsParser(data string) map[string]string LinkDetailsParser link string to map
func Mformat(a interface{}) string Mformat Custom function for template. Takes an input (Any type including int,float64,string) Return two decimal digit after the point/precision
func Mminus(a, b interface{}) float64 Mminus Custom function for template, Takes two input and return result after subtraction
func MoneyFormat(amount interface{}) string MoneyFormat format any number to money format, comma separated
func MtoFloat64(a interface{}) float64 MtoFloat64 Custom function for template. Takes an input (Any type including int,float64,string) Convert it to float64 and return
func MtoString(a interface{}) string MtoString Custom function for template, Takes one input of any formate and convert it to string
func ParseDimension(text, separator string) map[string]string ParseDimension for samsung/FDL company mobile handset only
func Plus(a, b interface{}) float64 Plus to Add two input in golang html template
func ReadUserIP(r *http.Request) string ReadUserIP read ip from http pointer to request
func RegExFindMatch(pattern, data string) (match []string) RegExFindMatch find pattern in data string
func RemoveFromSlice(s []string, i int) []string RemoveFromSlice Remove an item from a slice
func RemoveFromSliceByValue(s []string, value string) []string RemoveFromSliceByValue Remove an item from a slice
func ReplaceSpaceBy(productName, replaceby string) (formattedName string) ReplaceSpaceBy remove space by any given char
func RequestURLtoPage(requestURI string) (pageName, query string) RequestURLtoPage r.RequestURI to path and query string
func ReturnIndexByValue(s []string, val string) (index int) ReturnIndexByValue to Get index number by its value from a slice
func SQLNullString(s interface{}) sql.NullString SQLNullString for sql null char
func StartEndDate(dateTime, layout string) (startDate, endDate string) StartEndDate takes two argument, both are string, dateTime="", layout := "2006-01-02 03:04:05"
func StringToSlice(text, separator string) (slice []string) StringToSlice create a slice using separator
func SubTotal(data []map[string]interface{}) float64 SubTotal calculate total of a map
func Sum(nums ...float64) (total float64) Sum input as many number as wish, get all number summation ex: 10.50,20.03,50.25 or slice ending with three dots[slice...]-> tool.Sum(aSlice...)
func TimeStampToDate(timeStamp string) (dateFormated string) TimeStampToDate formatted date
func Uplus(nums ...interface{}) string Uplus to add multiple values
func WishList(productID string, wisthList []map[string]interface{}) bool WishList check if product_id exist in whishlist
func DayCountBetweenTwoDates(startDate, endDate) int count number of days between two given date