🚀 React daily news
A site that shows news about React. The purpose of this project is only for studies on Next.js and payment API`s (Stripe).
Before starting, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine:
You can also use npm, but we seriously recommend yarn.
Also it's nice to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode.
Execute the commands
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/mathmelo/Ignews
# Access the project folder in the terminal/cmd
$cd Ignews
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
🚫 Important!!!
Before proceeding, you need to do the following steps:
- Create a document in PismicCMS.
- Put your Prismic API URL in sm.json file (root).
- Create a product (subscription) in STRIPE.
- Create a Github app for social login.
- Create a database in faunadb (tutorial coming soon).
- Create a .env.local file and put all environments (examples in .env.example)
# Run server
$ yarn dev
# The server will start on port:3000 - go to <http://localhost:3000>
- Typescript
- NextJs
- Next Auth - Social Login
- Prismic CMS
- Stripe
- FaunaDB
Informations about me. Send me a message! ;)