Mastodom can be called using Mn (because if you look hard and make a wish it kind of starts to look like a mastodon) or Mastodom. You can't (as far as I know) make a new instance of mastdom.js and it won't even work with the new command.
Returns the default element type, by default this is 'div'.
Sets the default element type to newType (must be an instance of a string). Returns true if the type was changed, false otherwise.
Accepts the following specification. Everything in the specification is option. If no type is defined the default type is used. Returns the root of the resulting DOM tree.
parent: object, // Reference to the parent element. Can also be blank, can't be a specification.
type: '', // Type of element to construct. Can also be a list of types where each is a child of the previous.
content: 'Hello World', // Inner HTML of the element.
attributes: { // Optional attributes (added as key="value") for the element.
id: '',
class: ''
children: [] // List of specifications or DOM objects to append to the specified dom element.
There is an example of it being used in the repo.
conversation = document.createElement('div');
Jack1 = document.createElement('div');
Jack1.innerHTML = 'Jack: Hey Richie';
Richie1 = document.createElement('div');
Richie1.innerHTML = 'Richie: Hey Jack';
Jack2 = document.createElement('div');
Jack2.innerHTML = 'Jack: Check out this picture of a cat!';
catDiv = document.createElement('div');
cat = document.createElement('img')
cat.setAttribute('src', 'cat1.jpg')
parent: document.body,
type: 'div',
children: [
{ type: 'div', content: 'Jack: Hey Richie!' },
{ type: 'div', content: 'Richie: Hey Jack!' },
{ type: 'div', content: 'Jack: Check out this picture of a cat!', children: [
{ type: ['div', 'span', 'img'], attributes: { src: 'cat1.jpg'} }]
Specifying a list of element types creates a tree branch of the elements specified. It applies the element settings to the leaf element.
<img src="cat1.jpg"></img>