package collects your console logs and provides you a function to send them to the API so that they can be
displayed on logger dashboard.
First, start capturing logs by calling useLogger
from background.tsx
. It's important to note that this function
should be called before calling startStep
function. Notice that we await the console.error
in the catch block
and ignore the eslint error on this line. This is necessary because we patch console.error with an async function
to get the snapshot from the page.
export default async function () {
// ...
const {identifier, name, version} = manifest;
await useLogger({
skill: {identifier, name, version},
try {
await startStep(ctx);
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
await console.error(err);
await failureStep(ctx, err as Error);
throw err;
The code below is an example @failure.tsx
file. Your skill likely already has a failure notice at this
step. We just need to add a new button to send the logs to our API, check if user pressed that button and send the logs.
function returns a boolean value that shows whether the logs were successfully sent or not. Using this value
we show either success or failure notice to the user.
export async function failureStep(ctx: Context, err: Error) {
console.log('Step: failureStep');
enum ButtonResult {
OK = 'ok',
SEND_LOGS = 'send_logs',
const result = await showFailureNotice(ctx, {
title: t(,
description: t(manifest.description),
subtitle: t('failure.subtitle'),
text: t('failure.text', {err: err.message}),
buttons: [
{text: t('failure.dismissButton'), value: ButtonResult.OK},
{text: t('failure.sendLogsButton'), value: ButtonResult.SEND_LOGS},
if (result.button === ButtonResult.SEND_LOGS) {
await showProgress(ctx, t('failure.logsProgressTitle'), {
description: t('failure.logsProgressDescription'),
overlay: true,
const didSendLogs = await sendLogs();
if (didSendLogs) {
await showNotice(ctx, {
title: t(,
description: t(manifest.description),
icon: 'mail',
text: t('failure.logsSuccessText'),
buttons: [{text: t('failure.dismissButton'), value: ButtonResult.OK}],
} else {
await showFailureNotice(ctx, {
title: t(,
description: t(manifest.description),
text: t('failure.logsFailureText'),
buttons: [{text: t('failure.dismissButton'), value: ButtonResult.OK}],
Finally you'll need to add the new translation keys used in the failure step to your i18n file.
"failure": {
"sendLogsButton": "Send Logs",
"logsProgressTitle": "Sending logs",
"logsProgressDescription": "Please wait while logs are being sent to Matterway",
"logsFailureText": "Logs could not be sent to Matterway. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact support.",
"logsSuccessText": "Logs have been successfully sent to Matterway"
"failure:" {
"sendLogsButton": "Logs senden",
"logsProgressTitle": "Logs werden versendet",
"logsProgressDescription": "Bitte warten Sie, während die Logs an Matterway gesendet werden",
"logsFailureText": "Die Logs konnten nicht an Matterway gesendet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Support.",
"logsSuccessText": "Die Logs wurden erfolgreich an Matterway gesendet"