We're deep in forktown here. Ok so here's what happened:
- jubos created the original, amazing fake-s3
- In order to fix this bug, saltzmanjoelh forked it
- lphoward maintains a Dockerfile for the original S3: github, dockerhub
- I needed a Dockerised, bug-fixed version of
, so I forked #3, and modified the Dockerfile to point at #2 instead of #1
I'm so sorry. This is the nature of open source. I don't begrudge anyone their part in this mess.
Dockerfile for camjackson/fake-s3 on Docker Hub.
Deploys fake-s3 in a Docker container.
To create a deployment:
docker run --name my_s3 -d camjackson/fake-s3
Service exposed on port 4569. Credentials are ignored. See fake-s3 README for details/limitations.
If you want fake-s3 to be exposed on your Docker host on port 4569, then
docker run --name my_s3 -p 4569:4569 -d camjackson/fake-s3
If you want the container to use a volume, then
docker run --name my_s3 -v /fakes3_root -d camjackson/fake-s3
The fake-s3 root directory will then be added as a volume on the Docker host. To get the volume
docker inspect --format "{{range .Mounts}}{{.Source}}{{end}}" my_s3