Access controls (ACLs) by location as a Connect middleware. Inspired by nginx's http_access_module.
$ npm install connect-access
access(String path, Array rules)
var access = require('connect-access');
var rules = [
'', // Allow
'', // Allow entire range
'', // Allow localhost
'-all', // block everyone else
var app = connect()
.use(access('/private/*', rules)) // Lock down all of /private/* to the ACLs we declared
.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.end('Hello world');
There are 2 ways to declare a list of acls.
- Explicitly allow an IP/CIDR
- Explicitly disallow an IP/CIDR
To allow or disallow, the ip rule is prefixed with a +
or -
. If no qualifier is specified, it's assumed to allow
Rules are executed first to last and ends when the first rule is matched. If no match is found, assumes allow everything.
'all' // Allow everything
'' // Allow just
'' // Allow a CIDR range
'-' // Disallow
'-' // Disallow a CIDR range
'-all' // Disallow everything