This functionality is now included in the DiffEq-universe, in particular
This implements coloring algorithms for matrices. Should be useful for finite difference or automatic differentiation calculations of Jacobians and Hessians.
Uses Ragged.jl, which is on BitBucket, add with
Pkg.clone("", "Ragged")
Example of numerical Jacobian (see example/jacobian_eval.jl
using MatrixColorings
jac = ... # sparse Jacobian allocation
S = color_jac(jac) # seed matrix based on sparsity structure of jac
# such that dense_jac = jac * S
function numjac_c!(t, y, jac, S)
# Finite difference Jacobian, updates jac in-place.
nc = size(S,2) # number of colors
edelta = eps(4.0)*1e7 # the delta for the finite differences
dof = length(y)
f0 = similar(y) # f(d)
fn!(t, y, f0)
ddy = deepcopy(y) # d+dy
f1 = similar(y) # f(d+dy)
for c in 1:nc # loop over all colors
add_delta!(ddy, S, c, edelta) # adds a delta to all indices of color c
fn!(t, ddy, f1) # f(d+dy)
for j=1:dof
f1[j] = (f1[j]-f0[j])/edelta
recover_jac!(jac, f1, S, c) # recovers the columns of jac
# which correspond to color c
remove_delta!(ddy, S, c, edelta) # remove delta from ddy
return nothing
numjac!(0, y, jac, S) # calculates Jacobian
For the example Jacobian of 20,000x20,000 example/jacobian_eval.jl
this method is 3000x faster than the brute force finite difference and
only 10x slower than the analytic one.
- ReverseDiffSparse.jl has coloring algorithms for Hessians using acyclic coloring.
- Hossain, S. and Steihaug, T. 2012 might be state of the art for Jacobians