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PB-MS-AnDA is a Python library for Patch-Based Multi-scale Analog Data Assimilation


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PB-MS-AnDA is a Python library for Patch-Based Multi-scale Analog Data Assimilation, applications to ocean remote sensing. We presented a novel data-driven model for the spatio-temporal interpolation of satellite-derived geophysical fields fields, an extension of analog data assimilation framework ( to high-dimensional satellite-derived geophysical fields.

This Python library is an additional material of the publication "Data-driven Models for the Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of satellite-derived SST Fields", from R. Fablet, P. Huynh Viet, R. Lguensat, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

Basic Overview

The toolbox includes 3 main modules:

  1. Module Parameters (
    • Class PR: to specify general parameters
      • Use multi-scale or single-scale (global-scale) assimilation ?
      • Dimension of state vector (or reduced dimensionality in PCA space)
      • Size of patch (eg. 20 × 20)
      • Size of training dataset, testing dataset (number of images)
      • Directories of datasets: sst (sla), observation, OI product (ostia)...
      # Example of setting parameter for SST
       PR_ = PR() 
       PR_.flag_scale = True  # True: multi scale AnDA, False: global scale AnDA                 
       PR_.n = 50 # dimension state vector
       PR_.patch_r = 20 # r_size of patch 
       PR_.patch_c = 20 # c_size of patch
       PR_.training_days = 2558 # num of training images: 2008-2014 
       PR_.test_days = 364 # num of test images: 2015
       PR_.lag = 1 # lag of time series: t -> t+lag
       PR_.G_PCA = 20 # N_eof for global PCA
       # Input dataset (format should be NETCDF (.nc))
       PR_.path_X = './data/AMSRE/' # directory of sst data
       PR_.path_OI = './data/AMSRE/' # directory of OI product (ostia sst, in this case)
       PR_.path_mask = './AMSRE/' # directory of observation mask
       # Dataset automatically created during execution
       PR_.path_X_lr = './data/AMSRE/' # directory of LR product
       PR_.path_dX_PCA = './data/AMSRE/' # directory of PCA transformation of detail fields
       PR_.path_index_patches = './data/AMSRE/list_pos.pickle' # directory to store all position of each patch over image
       PR_.path_neighbor_patches = './data/AMSRE/pair_pos.pickle' # directory to store position of each path's neighbors 
    • Class VAR: to store all necessary datasets
      • Training and testing catalog for detail fields in both original and EOF space
      • Observation
      • LR product
      • Condition dataset used in AF (if exists)
      • Indexing set that points out the position of a patch over original image
      # Program will automatically load all data into this variable according the parameters described in class **PR**
      class VAR:
           X_lr = []
           dX_orig = []
           Optimal_itrp = []    
           dX_train = [] # training catalogs  for dX in EOF space
           dX_eof_coeff = [] # EOF base vector
           dX_eof_mu = [] # EOF mean vector    
           dX_GT_test = [] # dX GT in test year
           Obs_test = [] # Observation in test year, by applying mask to dX GT    
           dX_cond = [] # condition used for AF
           gr_vl_train = [] # gradient, velocity used as physical condition
           gr_vl_test = {}  
           gr_vl_coeff = {}        
           index_patch = [] # store order of every image patch: 0, 1,..total_patchs
           neighbor_patchs = [] # store order of neighbors of every image patch
    • Class General_AF: to specify parameters for Analog Forecasting
      • Use condition for analog forecasting ?. If using condition, specify where is the condition
      • Use clusterized version ?. If using, specify number of k clusters
      • Use global or local analog by specifying form of neighborhood
      • Select three forecasting strategies: locally constant, increment, local linear
      • Variance of initial error, observation error
      • Pre-trained nearest neighbor searchers ( FLANN )
      # Example of Analog Forecasting for SST
      AF_ = General_AF()
      AF_.flag_reduced  = True # True: Clusterized version of Local Linear AF
      AF_.flag_cond = False # True: use Obs at t+lag as condition to select successors
                        # False: no condition in analog forecasting
      AF_.flag_model = False # True: Use gradient, velocity as additional regressors in AF
      AF_.flag_catalog = True # True: Use each catalog for each patch position
                          # False: Use only one big catalog for all positions 
      AF_.cluster = 1     # number of cluster for clusterized ver.
      AF_.k = 200  # number of analogs
      AF_.k_initial = 200 # retrieving k_initial nearest neighbors, then using condition to retrieve k analogs, k_initial must >= k
      AF_.neighborhood = np.ones([PR_.n,PR_.n]) # global analogs
      AF_.neighborhood = np.eye(PR_.n)+np.diag(np.ones(PR_.n-1),1)+ np.diag(np.ones(PR_.n-1),-1)+ \
      AF_.neighborhood[0:2,:5] = 1
      AF_.neighborhood[PR_.n-2:,PR_.n-5:] = 1 # local analogs
      AF_.neighborhood[PR_.n-2:,PR_.n-5:] = 1 # local analogs
      AF_.regression = 'local_linear' # forecasting strategies. select among: locally_constant, increment, local_linear 
      AF_.sampling = 'gaussian' 
      AF_.B = 0.05 # variance of initial state error
      AF_.R = 0.1  # variance of observation error
    • Class AnDA_result: store AnDA’s results, such as GT, Observation, Optimal Interpolation, AnDA Interpolations and statistical errors (rmse, correlation)
      # All results will be computed and stored in this class.
      class AnDA_result:
           itrp_AnDA = [] # AnDA interpolation
           itrp_OI = []   # OI product, for comparison
           itrp_postAnDA = []  # Post_processing AnDA interpolation (removing block artifacts)
           GT = []   # groundtruth
           Obs = []  # Observation
           LR = []   # Low resolution product
           # stats: rmse & correlation of interpolation to the groundtruth
           rmse_AnDA = [] 
           corr_AnDA = []
           rmse_OI = []
           corr_OI = []
           rmse_postAnDA = []
           corr_postAnDA = []
  2. Module Transform functions (
    • Perform Global PCA (to find LR), patch-based PCA for multi-scale assimilation
    • Post-processing to remove block artifact due to overlapping patches
    • Perform VE-DINEOF
    • Find gradient, Fourier power spectrum
    • Loading and preprocessing data according to the parameters described in PR
  3. Module Multi-scale Assimilation ( based on informations from PR, VAR, AF, defining a specific kind of assimilation
    • Class Single_patch_assimilation:
      • Processing on one single patch.
      • Input: position of patch (rows, columns) over initial image.
    • Class Multi_patch_assimilation:
      • Processing on a zone of image (defined by its size and coordinates of top-left point), by dividing into multiples patches, then plugging them into Single_patch_assimilation
      • Input: number of parallel jobs, or number of patches are executed simultaneously.


Specify all necessary parameters described in class PR, and General_AF.
Load data into class VAR:

VAR_ = VAR()
VAR_ = Load_data(PR_) 

Visualize an example of reference Groundtruth (GT), Observation (Obs) and Low resolution Optimal Interpolation (OI) product

day = 50
gt = VAR_.dX_GT_test[day,:,:]   
obs = VAR_.Obs_test[day,:,:]    
itrp = VAR_.Optimal_itrp[day,:,:]   
vmin = np.nanmin(gt)
vmax = np.nanmax(gt)

Define test zone (top-left point and size of zone) (note: must 4 values must be divisible by 5):

r_start = 0 
c_start = 0 
r_length = 150 
c_length = 300 

Define multiprocessing level:

level = 22 # 22 patches executed simultaneously

Run Assimilation:

saved_path =  'path_to_save.pickle'
MS_AnDA_itrp = AnDA_result()
MS_AnDA_ = MS_AnDA(VAR_sst, PR_sst, AF_sst)
MS_AnDA_itrp = MS_AnDA_sst.multi_patches_assimilation(level, r_start, r_length, c_start, c_length)

Save result:

with open(saved_path, 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(MS_AnDA_itrp, handle)

Reload result: Save result:

with open(saved_path, 'rb') as handle:
    MS_AnDA_itrp = pickle.load(handle) 

To compare with AnDA interpolation:

  • Run VE-DINEOF algorithms to compare with AnDA interpolation.
    itrp_dineof = VE_Dineof(PR_, VAR_.dX_orig+VAR_.X_lr, VAR_.Optimal_itrp+VAR_.X_lr[PR_.training_days:], VAR_.Obs_test, 100, 50)
  • Run G-AnDA: applying AnDA on region scale. We need to reset parameters in PR and General_AF:
      PR_.flag_scale = False  # True: multi scale AnDA, False: global scale AnDA                 
      PR_.n = 200 # choose higher than the one from local scale, because we want to keep 99% variance after applying global PCA.
      PR_.patch_r = 200 # r_size of image 
      PR_.patch_c = 120 # c_size of image
      AF_.flag_reduced  = False or True
      AF_.flag_cond = False 
      AF_.flag_model = False 
      AF_.flag_catalog = False
      AF_.cluster = 1     # number of cluster for clusterized ver.
      AF_.k = 500  # number of analogs, should be higher than state vector's dimension
      AF_.k_initial = 500 # retrieving k_initial nearest neighbors, then using condition to retrieve k analogs, k_initial must >= k
      AF_.neighborhood = np.ones([PR_.n,PR_.n]) # global analogs
    Then reload data (because we now assimilate high resolution (original) fields, not detail fields):
    VAR_ = VAR()
    VAR_ = Load_data(PR_) 
    Then run single patch assimilation (this case isn't patch-based):
    saved_path =  'path_to_save.pickle'
    itrp_G_AnDA = AnDA_result()
    MS_AnDA_ = MS_AnDA(VAR_, PR_, AF_)
    itrp_G_AnDA = MS_AnDA_.single_patch_assimilation([np.arange(r_start,r_start+r_length),np.arange(c_start,c_start+c_length)])

Display interpolation performance & Fourier power spectrum (note that the input of raPsd2dv1 should be without land pixel (avoid NaN values).

day =11 # 82
res_ = 0.25
f0, Pf_  = raPsd2dv1(itrp_G_AnDA[day,:,:],resSLA,True)
wf1         = 1/f1
plt.xlabel('Wavelength (km)')
plt.ylabel('Fourier power spectrum')


PB-MS-AnDA is a Python library for Patch-Based Multi-scale Analog Data Assimilation







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