This action is soft-deprecated, because you no longer need it.
This action will remain listed, but will no longer receive major updates.
There are now two better ways to use pandoc on GitHub Actions:
You can now directly reference container actions on GitHub Actions.
You can continue to use the pandoc containers on GitHub Actions, but now you can just reference it by, say, uses: docker://pandoc/latex:2.9
instead of uses: maxheld83/pandoc@v2
To learn more about using pandoc on GitHub Actions in this way, see these examples.
In the above, you're using pandoc from a pre-build docker image, that you're running as a container on your GitHub Actions host machine.
Alternatively, you can use Jim Hester's setup-pandoc action.
This action will accept a pandoc-version
as an input and install the respective version directly into your GitHub Actions host machine.
This may take longer (?), and does not include LaTeX, but you can use pandoc in any of your steps and can even run a matrix build over different pandoc versions.
This action lets you use pandoc, the swiss army knife of document conversion.
It is based on the pandoc/latex
docker image and thus ships with LaTeX, so you can also convert right through to PDF.
The action currently uses pandoc 2.6 and will be upgraded periodically.
If you would like to see an upgrade, please file an issue.
The string passed to args
gets appended to the pandoc
The below example is equivalent to running pandoc --help
name: Document Conversion
on: push
name: Convert via Pandoc
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: maxheld83/pandoc@v2
args: "--help"
You can:
- create an output directory to compile into; makes it easier to deploy outputs.
- upload the output directory to GitHub's artifact storage; you can quickly download the results from your GitHub Actions tab in your repo.
name: Document Conversion
on: push
name: Convert via Pandoc
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- run: mkdir output
- run: echo "foo" > input.txt
- uses: maxheld83/pandoc@v2
args: "--standalone --output=output/index.html input.txt"
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: output
path: output