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Personal Environment

Maxime Landon edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 1 revision

WireGost partly relies on the user's personal environment, for:

  • User-specific information and configuration.
  • Loading and using personal exploit/payload modules.
  • Using global variables.
  • Storing loot, notes, and other types of data.

The personal environment is, by default, stored in the ~/.wiregost/ directory. The structure inside is the following:

  • /.global_variables (stores all global variables used and set in WireGost)

  • /.history (stores the command history)

  • /logs/ (All logs from WireGost)

    • /global.log (aggregates all logs from WireGost)
    • /exploit.log (exploit-related logs)
    • /payload.log (payload-related logs)
    • /listeners.log (listeners-specific logs)
    • /db.log (all data service related logs)
  • /resource/ (All resource files that can be loaded into WireGost)

    • example.rc An example resource file
  • /modules/ (All personal modules)

    • /exploit/ Exploit module directory
    • /payload/ Payload module directory
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