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Core Commands

Maxime Landon edited this page Feb 23, 2020 · 4 revisions

Some core commands are available to client console:

Input mode

Two input modes are available in the console: Vim or Emacs. Here you can see how to change the input modes, and what are the effects on the prompt:


You will notice that the input line, in Vim mode, indicates [I], for Insert Mode. This indicator disappears when the shell is in Emacs mode

Shell usage

The ! command allows you to use your shell transparently through the Wiregost console:


Current directory

The shell command does not allow you to change the current working directory as seen by the console. For doing this:


Resource files

Resource files are the equivalent of Metasploit's resource.rc files, which are list of commands that are executed sequentially when the resource file is loaded in the console. These files are in the resource/ directory.

You can make a resource file named spawn_listener.rc with the last 4 commands by using: Resource-make

You can then load it and execute each of these commands: Resource-load

In the present case, the resource will:

  • print a help
  • load a payload module
  • set an option in it
  • start a listener
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