It is a project for supporting extra features of PostgreSQL database in ActiveRecord, such as having:
user defined types
and arrays of composite types
This project is primarily for reading such complex data, stored in tables via raw SQL. However, if You need to write complex data, feel free to contact me: we’ll add this capability.
I’m using this plugin for caching complex joined queries directly in database. It can speed select from 400ms up to 5ms.
Two parsers for PostgreSQL output are used: pure Ruby one and RubyInline-based parser on C.
Author: Max Lapshin
ICQ: 64541170
class CreateCachedProperties < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up execute "CREATE TYPE cached_property AS (name varchar(40), values varchar[], data_format varchar(10), description varchar(255));" execute "ALTER TABLE devices ADD COLUMN cached_properties cached_property[];" Device.cache_properties end def self.down end end
class Device < ActiveRecord::Base def self.cache_properties sql = <<-SQL update devices set cached_properties = ARRAY( SELECT ROW(, t.value, t.data_format, t.description)::cached_property FROM (select FIRST( AS name, array_accum(device_properties.value) as value, FIRST(property_infos.data_format) as data_format, FIRST(property_infos.description) as description from device_properties left outer join property_infos on ( = property_info_id) where device_id = group by device_properties.property_info_id ORDER BY FIRST(property_infos.xorder) ) as t ) SQL connection.execute(sql) end end
Here, in example, mentioned two my own custom functions:
class AddFirstAggregate < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up return unless adapter_name == "PostgreSQL" execute <<-EOF CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._first(anyelement, anyelement) RETURNS anyelement AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN $2 ELSE $1 END $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS public.first(anyelement); CREATE AGGREGATE public.first(anyelement) ( sfunc = public._first, stype = anyelement ); EOF end def self.down return unless adapter_name == "PostgreSQL" execute <<-EOF DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS public.first(anyelement); DROP FUNCTION public._first(anyelement, anyelement) EOF end end
and array_accum:
class AddArrayAccumAggregate < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up execute "CREATE AGGREGATE public.array_accum (anyelement) (sfunc = array_append,stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}');" end def self.down execute "DROP AGGREGATE public.array_accum (anyelement);" end end
Using is very simple. You can provide Your own class for handling user type:
lib/cached_property.rb: CachedProperty =, :values, :data_format, :description) class CachedProperty include PostgresComplexTypes::StructDecoder def self.postprocess(struct) if struct.data_format == "number" struct.values = do |v| v = v.to_f if (v - v.round).abs < 0.00001 v = v.to_i end v {|v| v.to_s } elsif struct.data_format == "boolean" struct.values = {|v| v == "t"}.map {|v| v ? "yes" : "no"} end struct end end
Important is only method postprocess. You can do what You want with extracted struct.
>> Device.first => #<Device id: 3068, title: "Canon EOS 400D", ..., cached_properties: [#<struct CachedProperty name="fullname", values=["Canon EOS 400D"], data_format="string", description="Full name">, #<struct CachedProperty name="lens_mount", values=["Canon EF", "EF-S"], data_format="string", description="Lens mount">, #<struct CachedProperty name="pix", values=["10.1"], data_format="number", description="Megapixels">, ...
Not finished schema dumper. Cannot dump arrays into schema.rb, yet.
Support for datamapper, because of easiness of declaring user defined types in it;
support for writing complex types.