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This program converts MUI DataGrid filters into Django queries. It is integrated with Django Channels.

How to Use

Submit your MUI filters to your Django backend via a JSON String. Create a query set and then run the function add_mui_filters(query_set, json_string_filters, column_field_mappings). This will apply all of the MUI filters to the QuerySet and then return that updated QuerySet. By default all of the columnFields are convertdc from camelCase to snake_case. For example, the column medicalRecordNumber will be converted to medical_record_number. Say the field is called MRN on the frontend then it would convert to M_R_N, but this is not consistent with the database so you need to pass in {"MRN": "medical_record_number"} to the column_field_mappings. The column_field_mappings is also needed for traversing tables as seen below.


Run the following: READ THIS!!! -> Please note that the PIP installation does not currently work. I'm working on correcting this error. Please install the source code. <- READ THIS!!

pip install filtermui


The following example allows the user to filter a MUI DataGrid displaying the following data of a patient model with the attributes medical_record_number (stored as "MRN" on front-end), first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, and place_of_birth (ForeignKey):

from filtermui import add_mui_filters

# Made up function called when user submits new query.
def patient_table_query(filter):
  patients = patient.objects.all()
  patients = add_mui_filters(
    {"MRN": "medical_record_number", "placeOfBirth": "__place_of_birth__name"},
  return patients # This returns a QuerySet - you will often encode this into JSON. 

Note how in the mappings placeOfBirth is in camelCase. This is becuase it's submitted in cammel case and it is more efficent not to convert it if you are providing a mapping. It uses __ in place of birth becuase it is a diffrent table - we must specify when we traverse tables.

Here is some of my production code:

 def resolve_all_timeouts(root, info, page_size, page_number, mui_filter_model):
        # Error w/ string reading
        prefiltered_timeouts = abx_timeout.objects.filter(
            prescription__drug__ignore=False, active=True

        filtered_timeouts = add_mui_filters(
                "timeoutId": lambda *_: "pk",
                "status": status_filter_interpreter,
                "firstName": "prescription__visit__patient__first_name",
                "lastName": "prescription__visit__patient__last_name",
                "patientName": "prescription__visit__patient__full_name",
                "MRN": "prescription__visit__patient__pk",
                "antibioticName": "prescription__drug__name",
                "dose": "prescription__dose",
                "route": "prescription__route",
                "room": "prescription__visit__room",
                "frequency": "prescription__frequency",
                "doseRouteFrequency": "prescription__frequency__dose_route_frequency",
                "startDate": "prescription__start_date",
                "indicationForDrug": "prescription__indication",
                # Next is one to many. Won't work?
                "cultureAndSensitivity": "prescription__visit__culture__text",
                "imaging": "prescription__visit__imaging__text",
                "labs": "prescription__visit__lab_trio__text",
                "stopDate": "prescription__end_date",
                "timeoutCompleted": timeout_completed_interpreter,

Active Areas of Improvment

  • Documentation
  • PIP Installation