This MERN app uses Firebase for authentication and allows users to vote on which athletes are the best in various categories and timeframes. The repo is a monolith which houses both the server and client.
There are numerous issues which have arisen as a result of the limitations of Wikimedia data so I'm working on a new version of this site ( with a different API, but have decided to leave this one as a sort of time capsule.
You'll need Node.js
, Yarn
, and NVM (Node Version Manager)
installed on
your machine to run this app locally.
Node can be installed by following the instructions at
Yarn can then be added:
npm install --global yarn
You can add NVM by following the instructions at @nvm-sh/nvm.
Clone the repo onto your machine and cd into it:
git clone
Download all dependencies of both the server and client:
yarn setup
Create a gitignored file with MongoDB credentials:
touch config/default.json
Within that file you'll need to add credentials from a Mongo database, for example:
"mongoURI": "put_your_connection_string_here",
"jwtSecret": "and_a_secret_of_your_choice_here"
Follow the instructions at if you need to create a new database.
The client will also need Firebase credentials for authentication, so create a gitignored env file:
touch app/.env.local
Now add your auth credentials to that file, these are the required keys:
Follow the instructions on if you need to create a new project.
Ensure you're using the correct Node version from the .nvmrc
file (you should
only need to do this once per session):
nvm use
Start the server and client in development mode:
yarn dev
Create a production build of the app:
yarn build