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Rocket autopilot library for Kerbal Space Program


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kOS rocket AutoPilot Library

kOS rocket Autopilot Library is a modular library created to automate the execution of routine tasks for KSP players. Compatible with RemoteTech 2 mod


  1. Install latest version of kOS mod
  2. Download and unzip the project folder into Kerbal Space Program\Ships\Script without changing its structurenote

Demo missions

There's a couple of demo missions in Examples folder. To run them, put .craft file to


Import scripts

Simply add runoncepath("0:/kOS_ap_lib/Lib/Import.ks"). to your script to add the import funtion.

Now you can import the scripts listed under Lib structure section with import("script_name"). while ommiting their extension. For example, if you want to import Ascend.ks, run import("Ascend"). and the Ascend function will be added to your script.

Lib structure

Script guideline


BisectionSolver(scoreFunction, point1, point2).

scoreFunction --> (delegate)
point1 --> (scalar)
point2 --> (scalar)
Return type: delegate function
Delegate return type: list of scalars

This script implements bisection solver. First, you need to setup the solver, then to call it just like the regular function or using :call suffix. You'll get a list, that contains final search range ([0] and [1] positions) and the answear ( [2] position). The final search range can be reused in loop to get more precise results (see Usage examples section).

Usage examples:

set solver to BisectionSolver(some_func@, 10, 15). // <- solver is now a delegate function
set points1 to solver:call(). // <- points is a list containing roots of some_func
set points2 to BisectionSolver(some_func@, 10, 15):call().
set points3 to BisectionSolver(some_func@, 10, 15)().
// Reusage example
set point_data to list(10, 15).
set solver to BisectionSolver(some_func@, point_data[0], point_data[1]).
until *some_condition* {
	set ans to solver:call().
	set point_data[0] to ans[0].
	set point_data[1] to ans[1].



MakeDerivator_N(init_value, N_count).

init_value --> (scalar)
N_count --> (scalar) set to 0 by default
Return: delegate function
Delegate parameters: scalar
Delegate return type: the derivative value of init_value (scalar)

First, you need to setup the derivator, then to call it with parameter just like the regular function or using :call suffix. You'll get the init_value derivative of order N.

Usage examples:

set v1 to 10. // [m/s]
set v2 to 15. // [m/s]
set derivator to MakeDerivator_dt(v1, 1).
set acceleration to derivator:call(v2).


MakeDerivator_dt(init_value, time_interval).

init_value --> (scalar)
time_interval --> (scalar, seconds) set to 0 by default
Return type: delegate function
Delegate parameters: scalar
Delegate return type: the time derivative value of init_value (scalar)

First, you need to setup the derivator, then to call it with parameter just like the regular function or using :call suffix. You'll get the time derivative of init_value.

Usage examples:

set acceleration1 to 10. // [m/s^2]
set acceleration2 to 15. // [m/s^2]
set derivator to MakeDerivator_dt(acceleration1, 0).
set jerk to derivator:call(acceleration2).



DesiredOrbit (lexicon with "LAN" and "INC" fields)
"LAN" --> longitude of ascending node in degrees
"INC" --> orbital inclination in degrees
Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Performs orbital maneuver to change longitude of ascending node and inclination of orbit. Returns true if it is successfuly complete.

Usage example:

set newOrbit to lexicon().
newOrbit:add("LAN", 78).
newOrbit:add("INC", 6).
Change_LAN_Inc(newOrbit). // performs maneuver to match INC and LAN with Minmus



targetAlt (scalar > 0)
Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Performs circularization at specified altitude (targetAlt parameter). Returns true if maneuver is completed successfuly. targetAlt value should be between periapsis and apoapsis value. If it's not, script will return false.

Usage example:

set newApPe to 100000.
Circularize(newApPe). // performs circularization at altitude of 100000 meters


HohmannTransfer(targetR, burnIn, autowarp).

targetAlt --> (scalar, meters)
burnIn --> (scalar, seconds)
targetR --> (scalar) radius of target orbit
burnIn --> (scalar) execute burn in (time:seconds+burnIn) seconds
autowarp --> (bool) autowarp to burn position
Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Executes one-burn Hohmann transfer in burnIn seconds. Returns true if maneuver is completed successfuly.

Usage example:

set targetR to 50000.
set burnIn to eta:apoapsis.
HohmannTransfer(targetR, burnIn).


TransferToMoon(targetMoon, targetPe, autowarp, insertionBurn).

targetMoon --> (string)
targetPe --> (scalar > 0)
autowarp --> (bool) autowarp to burn position; set to true by default
insertionBurn --> (bool) set to true by default
Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Performs a set of maneuvers to transfer the vessel to the target Moon. Using this script one can perform Moon flyby (just set insertionBurn to false).

Usage example:

set targetMoon to "Mun".
set targetPe to 50000.
TransferToMoon(targetMoon, targetPe).


BurnTime(dV, Rad).

dV --> (scalar) the amount of dV that you need to burn
altRad --> (scalar) altitude above sea level
Return: seconds (scalar)

Calculates the time in seconds required to burn specified amount of dV on 100% throttle.

Usage example:

set dV to 500.
set altRad to ship:altitude.
BurnTime(dV, altRad).



Parameters: takes no parameters
Return: list of scalars
Return list structure:
[0] --> total current maximum thrust accounting for thrust limiter and fuel availability (kN)
[1] --> total Isp of all active engines (seconds)

Calculates total thrust (in kN) and Isp (in seconds) of all currently active engines.

Usage example:

set engines_data to EngThrustIsp().
set thrust to engines_data[0].
set isp to engines_data[1].



Parameters: takes no parameters
Return: Mach number (scalar)

Returns current Mach number. Returns zero if out of atmosphere

Usage example: print MachNumber().



Parameters: takes no parameters
Return: vertical acceleration value (scalar, m/s^2)

Returns current vertical acceleration.

Usage example: print VerticalAccelCalc().


VisVivaCalc(r, a).

r --> (scalar) altitude above sea level
a --> (scalar) semi-major axis
Return: velocity (scalar, m/s)

Implementation of vis-viva_equation. Note that r parameter is altitude above sea level.

Usage example:

// example dV maneuver calculation
// assuming the ship is at 100000 meter circular orbit
set v1 to velocity:orbit:mag. //current orbital velocity

set r2 to 150000.
set sma2 to 2*r2 + body:radius.
set v2 to VisVivaCalc(r2, sma2).

set dV to v2-v1.


Ascend(targetOrbit, targetIncl, finalPitch, gravTurnAlt, gravTurnV, accLimit, pre_stage, post_stage, jettisonFairing, jettisonAlt, deployAntennas, deploySolar, autowarp).

targetOrbit --> (scalar, meters) height of the circular target orbit (apoapsis = periapsis)
targetIncl --> (scalar, degrees) inclination of the target orbit
finalPitch --> (scalar, degrees) angle to the horizon when leaving the atmosphere; set to 85° by default
gravTurnAlt --> (scalar, meters) altitude value at which the gravity turn begins; set to 250m by default
gravTurnV --> (scalar, m/s) velocity value at which the gravity turn begins; set to 150 m/s by default
accLimit --> (scalar, g-force) limits the amount of g-force that the rocket is expose to; set to 3.5 by default
pre_stage --> (scalar, seconds) wait before staging; set to 0.5 sec by default
post_stage --> (scalar, seconds) wait after staging; set to 1 sec by default
jettisonFairing --> (bool, meters) automatic fairing jettison; set to true by default
jettisonAlt --> (scalar, meters) altitude at which fairing will be jettisoned; set to 50000m by default
deployAntennas --> (bool) automatic antenna deployment; set to true by default
deploySolar --> (bool) automatic deployment of solar panels; set to true by default
autowarp --> (bool) autowarp to burn position; set to true by default
Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Executes liftoff, ascend and circularization burn at specified apoapsis. The script works both on bodies with atmosphere and without. Make sure that the rocket is controllable and well balanced.

  • Gravity turn begins when gravTurnAlt > current altitude OR gravTurnV > current velocity
  • Fairing jettison, deployment of antennas and solar pannels is executed AFTER the rocket reached both maximum dynamic pressure (max Q) and an altitude of jettisonAlt

Usage example:

Ascend(100000, 7.5). // 100km orbit with an inclination of 7.5 degrees


Dock(targetShip, targetNode, selectedNode, safeDistance).

targetShip --> (string) the name of the target ship
targetNode --> (string) tag of target ship's node you want to dock to
selectedNode --> (scalar) tag of the current ship's node you want to "Control from"
safeDistance --> (scalar) the radius of the keep-out sphere. Set by default to max widespan of the target ship + 100 meters. Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Executes automatic docking. The current ship should be in close proximity of the target ship (idealy less than 2 km away from the target ship's position). The selected node and target node are identified using tag system. Make sure to tag these parts. Note: the script uses a lot of %whatever-RCS-fuel-name%, so you can manually switch off RCS for a few seconds and then turn it on again to save some fuel.

Usage example:

// Assume there's a ship called 'Agena' you want to dock to.
// It has a docking port tagged 'ab'.
// Our ship has the same class node tagged 'n2'

Dock("Agena", "ab", "n2"). // safeDistance is calculated automatically
Dock("Agena", "ab", "n2", 250). // safeDistance is set to 250 meters


Import("script_name"). Import(list("script1", "script2")).

Parameters: string OR list of strings
Return: function exit status (bool); true if all scripts were successfuly loaded, otherwise false

Imports scripts specified with parameters from Lib folder. Returns true if the import was successful, otherwise false and a warning message pops up on a terminal screen.

Usage examples: import("Ascend"). import(list("Ascend", "HohmannTransfer", "Land")).


Land(targetSite, touchdownSpeed, hover_alt).

targetSite --> (latlng) geocoordinates of the landsite.
touchdownSpeed --> (scalar, m/s) the speed of final touchdown. Set to 1 m/s by default.
hover_alt --> (scalar, meters) altitude at which the ship will hover, before attempting final touchdown. Set to 50 m by default.
Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Executes landing routine at specific coordinates. The script performs quite well with error margin up to 50 meters from the targetSite.

Usage example:

set targetSite to latlng(154,28).
set touchdownSpeed to 3.75.
set hover_alt to 20.

Land(targetSite, touchdownSpeed, hover_alt).


Rendezvous(targetShip, finalDistance, autowarp).

targetShip --> (string) target ship's name
finalDistance --> (scalar, meters) final distance to target ship. Set to 1000 by default.
autowarp --> (bool) autowarp to burn position . Set to false by default.
Return: function exit status (bool); true if successfuly completed, otherwise false

Performs orbital rendezvous. Note that target ship must be in the same sphere of influence as the current ship, otherwise exception will be risen. It's highly recommended to leave autowarp set to true.

Usage example:

set targetShip to "MyShipsName".
set final distance to 125.
Rendezvous(targetShip, finalDistance).
set targetShip to "ISS".
set final distance to 800.
set autowarp to false.
Rendezvous(targetShip, finalDistance, autowarp).




Though it's not recommended, it's possible to change the structure, but the Lib folder should stay immutable! To do this, simply edit the first line of Import.ks. The path variable points to the place where the Lib folder is located: global path is "0:/your/path/to/Lib/".


Rocket autopilot library for Kerbal Space Program







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