Allows for easy communication with Akamai's new REST API to purge/invalidate cached objects.
You can use it as an embed package, or as http request.
How to use:
First you need to change the configuration files to feet your needs:
AkamaiUrisPerRequest - How match purge objects request will be sent.
User - akamai user
Password - akamai password
Type - arl (default) or cpcode
Action - production (default) or staging
Domain - remove (default) or invalidate
RequestTimeOut - request time out in milisecond
ServerPort - the port to run the web server
ProccessCount - how match proccesses(cores) to use.
Http flush example
POST http://localhost:8181/flush -d {"type":"arl","action":"invalidate","domain":"production","objects":["",""]}
Http flush response
"httpStatus": 201,
"detail": "Request accepted.",
"estimatedSeconds": 420,
"purgeId": "29f21b05-0c1b-11e4-b514-3e7219046db3",
"progressUri": "/ccu/v2/purges/29f21b05-0c1b-11e4-b514-3e7219046db3",
"pingAfterSeconds": 420,
"supportId": "17PY1405427152741501-373851232"
Http flush status example
** http://localhost:8181/flush_status?stat_id={progressUri}
GET http://localhost:8181/flush_status?stat_id=/ccu/v2/purges/29f21b05-0c1b-11e4-b514-3e7219046db3
Http flush response
"originalEstimatedSeconds": 420,
"progressUri": "",
"originalQueueLength": 0,
"purgeId": "fa6a8bc9-0c1c-11e4-9e8c-4a6a5ad5a345",
"supportId": "17SY1405435673988297-365782112",
"httpStatus": 200,
"completionTime": "2014-07-15T12:41:19Z",
"submittedBy": "your_user",
"purgeStatus": "Done",
"submissionTime": "2014-07-15T12:38:52Z",
"pingAfterSeconds": 0
Http queue status example
GET http://localhost:8181/flush_queue_status
Http queue status response
"httpStatus": 200,
"queueLength": 0,
"detail": "The queue may take a minute to reflect new or removed requests.",
"supportId": "17QY1405427499956195-357389408"
Meir Shamay @meir_shamay
Free Software, Hell Yeah!