Pype-based gamma correction using the DTP94 usb calibration ug from the Monaco Optix.
Calibration is simple once installed:
plug DTP94 into a USB port on the rig machine to calibrate
run the 'gammacal' program (need pypenv on your path)
% gammacal ConfigFile lcd|crt [gamma_value] >outfile
ConfigFile is the name of the pyperc Config.HOST file for the system you want to calibrate, lcd|crt is either 'lcd' or 'crt', depending on what you're calibrating and gamma_value is an optional gamma value to set the monitor to DURING the calibration for validating and existing calibration
Calibration data is saved to 'outfile', keep this -- it's a record of the complete luminance and color calibration for the monitor.
Plot the results in matlab:
>> showcalib('outfile');