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Matti Bar-Zeev edited this page Dec 2, 2013 · 6 revisions


Contribution is currently done on the "develop" branch. Here are the steps you need to take in order to contribute code to this project. It's critical that you follow these steps and convention, for your pull request to be merged into the code.

  1. Fork the project on the "develop" branch.
  2. Make your code modifications.
  3. Run grunt from the project's root directory. This will make sure you don't have any embarrassing code errors and will run unit tests** (including those you've implemented for the contribution) and make sure it all passes.
  4. launch the server and see that everything is working as you expect it to.
  5. Commit your changes. Try to create small commits as possible (by "small" I mean, avoid missing unrelated code modifications). Make sure you use the commit message conventions.
  6. Open a Pull Request and submit you're changes.


Commit Messages

  • Ongoing - This means features, re-factoring, optimizing
  • Fix - This means anything you fix, whether it is an issue, a JSHint error etc.
  • Merge - This means that you've merged something to your branch.
  • Tidy Up - This means cleaning up the code, deleting comments, cleaning console outputs, etc.

attending issues

If you're attending an issue, make sure you mention it on your commit, e.g.:

Ongoing: Implementing enhancement issue #15
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