Welcome to the source repository for Greenshot
Greenshot is an open source, light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features:
- Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or fullscreen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer.
- Easily annotate, highlight or obfuscate parts of the screenshot.
- Export the screenshot in various ways: save to file, send to printer, copy to clipboard, attach to e-mail, send Office programs or upload to photo sites like Flickr or Picasa, and others. and a lot more options simplifying creation of and work with screenshots every day.
Being easy to understand and configurable, Greenshot is an efficient tool for project managers, software developers, technical writers, testers and anyone else creating screenshots.
This repository is work in progress for the next Greenshot (2.0?).
- Download the latest (!!!) dotnet core SDK from here: https://github.com/dotnet/core-sdk (quick-link to download)
- Make sure you only have the latest dotnet core 3.0 installed!
Make sure you have the latest Visual Studio 2017 (no need for previews), for 15.9.x enable Use previews of the .NET Core SDK- Make sure you have Visual Studio 2019 Preview, since dotnet core 3.0 sdk 009831 it no longer works with Visual Studio 2017
- Clone the repository, branch develop
- Open the solution from the src directory in Visual Studio
- Rebuild and start... (you might need to rebuild 2x, looking into this)
If you can't use Visual Studio 2019 (preview) try the following:
- Open a powershell in the directory where you cloned this repo
- Disable dotnet core 3.0 with the following: .\build.ps1 --settings_skippackageversioncheck=true -Target DisableDNC30
- To practically (some encoding issue maintains) undo the previous: .\build.ps1 --settings_skippackageversioncheck=true -Target EnableDNC30
- Change src/global.json to contain the dotnet SDK version you have installed (e.g. 2.1.400)
For users the major changes since 1.2.x are:
- dotnet core 3.0 support (why, read here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2018/10/04/update-on-net-core-3-0-and-net-framework-4-8/ )
- A newer and more modern configuration UI, using MahApps.Metro
- Due to the update of .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.7.1 a lot of bugs are solved
- Added Windows 10 destinations, OCR & share
- Better DPI support
- Simplified code should make development easier and quicker
- Bug fixes
For developers, the major changes since 1.2.x are:
- Updated to .NET 4.7.1 and dotnet core 3.0 (multiple targets)
- Moved logging from log4net to Dapplo.Log which is a very simple logger (reviewing changing to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging)
- Using Dependency Injection (Inversion of Control) via Dapplo.Addons which bases upon AutoFac.
- Using MVVM, provided by Caliburn.Micro via Dapplo.CaliburnMicro
- Added Dapplo.Config which provides language & configuration support.
- Added a configuration UI, which is build together via composition. Meaning add-ins just need to implement the correct class and use the correct attributes to be visible inside the new configuration.
- Using Dapplo.HttpExtensions as the default HTTP client library, which should make it easier to use cloud services.
- Moved most native windows code to a separate project called Dapplo.Windows which makes it easier to develop & test
- Moved graphics code to a separate project, where benchmark tests are possible.
Currently known errors:
- The old .greenshot files cannot be loaded
- Not all Addons are active, the way they are found needs to be fixed.
- Office Addon (if referenced) will not work on dotnet core 3.0 yet
- Windows 10 Addon (if referenced) will not work on dotnet core 3.0 yet
- MahApps.Metro doesn't support dotnet core 3.0 yet, working on it (first step ControlzEx: ControlzEx/ControlzEx#66 )