React application connecting to IEX Cloud API endpoints to procure and tabularize stock information. Search for stocks by ticker or company name and dynamically modify the table. Learned and researched asynchronous JavaScript and React hooks, while employing open-source libraries. Focused on UI design and presentation for ease of use by adding interactive menus.
Install node.js, add to path.
Install git, add to path.
Install yarn depending on your OS.
git clone
cd stock-portfolio
If using npm
npm install
If using yarn
Create a .env file at the top directory and initialize REACT_APP_STOCK_API_KEY. An API key can be received at by creating a free account.
To run a development server:
If using npm
npm start
If using yarn
yarn start
- IEX Cloud - financial data endpoints.
- React - JavaScript UI library.
- Fuse.js - fuzzy-search library.
- axios - HTTP client.
- luxon - Wrapper for JavaScript dates and times.
- Lodash - JavaScript utility library.
- MaterialUI - React component library.
- Simple Icons - SVG icons for popular brands.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details