Project with the purpose of managing projects, clients and freelance developers.
The following technologies and/or principles were used:
- Clean architecture
- Dapper
- Entity Framework Core
- RabbitMQ
- MediatR
- Automapper
- FluentValidation
- JWT Token
- Authorization
- Authentication
- Unity Test
- Payments microsservice
- DevFreela Payments microsservice
DevFreela's payment processing is performed by a microservice in a separate project that is also available in my Github repository: DevFreela.Payments.API
- RabbitMQ
To run both DevFreela and DevFreela.Payments.API projects, you must have an instance of the RabbitMQ service running. The easiest way to create the service is through a docker container. Windows users can have a Docker Desktop installation (running) and run the following command to make the RabbitMQ service available:
docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.13-management
To monitor and even manage DevFreela messages in RabbitMQ, you can use the RabbitMQ manager itself, which is hosted where the docker container is running,
available at http://localhost:15672/.
Username and password in the basic configuration is guest