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Samplot is a command line tool for rapid, multi-sample structural variant visualization. samplot takes SV coordinates and bam files and produces high-quality images that highlight any alignment and depth signals that substantiate the SV.

Samplot-ML is a convolutional neural network trained to identify false positive deletion SVs using Samplot images. The workflow for Samplot-ML is simple: given a whole-genome sequenced sample (BAM or CRAM) as well as a set of putative deletions (VCF), Samplot-ML re-genotypes each putative deletion using the Samplot-generated image. The result is a call set where most false positives are flagged.

This Repository provides a snakemake workflow for annotating an SV callset with Samplot-ML's predictions.

To cite Samplot-ML, please use

Belyeu, J.R., Chowdhury, M., Brown, J. et al. Samplot: a platform for structural variant visual validation and automated filtering. Genome Biol 22, 161 (2021).


  • bz2 and zlib devel libraries. On Ubuntu systems, you can use:
$ sudo apt install libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev
  • conda - for a minimal install of conda, check out miniconda

  • mamba - drop in replacement for conda's package manager. Used to install snakemake

$ conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba
  • snakemake
$ mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake
  • aws cli (optional) - If you plan on using data sources from s3 buckets in the samplot-ml workflow.

  • Any other dependencies will be handled by snakemake through conda.

Example Usage

To demonstrate how to use Samplot-ML, let's work through a simple example that takes us from calling SV's to executing the Samplot-ML snakefile using some data from the 1000 genomes project (1kg).

Calling SVs with smoove

  1. Download a CRAM file from 1kg's ftp
$ wget
$ wget
  1. Get the reference genome
$ wget
$ wget
  1. Get a set of exclude regions in bed format for use during SV calling
$ wget
  1. Install smoove with conda
$ conda create -c bioconda -n smoove smoove
  1. Call SVs
$ conda activate smoove
$ smoove call -x \
	--name HG03687 \
	--exclude $exclude_bed \
	--fasta $reference \
	--genotype \
	--outdir $outdir

The resulting vcf will be $outdir/HG003687-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz.

  1. Clone the Samplot-ML git repo

  2. Next, let's edit the config file located at samplot-ml/workflows/samplot-ml-predict.yaml

	HG03687: "/path/to/cram" # or you can use "s3://bucket/bam_or_cram" if you've got alignments in an s3 bucket.
	data_source: "local" # either local or s3
	file: "/path/to/reference" # or "s3://bucket/reference_file"
	data_source: "local"
	file: "/path/to/reference_index"
	data_source: "local"
	file: "/path/to/vcf"

# generated images will have filename: ${contig}-${start}-${end}-DEL.png
# we give the choice of delimiter since contigs can sometimes contain
# character like hypens, underscores, etc.
image_filename_delimiter: "-"
outdir: "/path/to/output_directory"
  1. Run the prediction snakefile located at samplot-ml/workflows/samplot-ml-predict.smk
conda activate snakemake
snakemake -s samplot-ml-predict.smk \
          -j $num_threads \ # number of parallel threads to use to execute jobs
          --use-conda --conda-fronend mamba # this allows snakemake to handle dependencies

Generated images of DEL regions from the input VCF will be located at $outdir/img/ each image will be named ${contig}-${start}-${end}-DEL.png. An annotated vcf containing the Samplot-ML predictions will be located at $outdir/samplot-ml-results/HG03687-samplot-ml.vcf.gz

VCF annotations

The resulting prediction vcf will contain the following format fields:

  • PREF, PHET, and PALT: the prediction score assigned by the model which corresponds to a prediction of a 0/0, 0/1, or 1/1 genotype, respectively. If the region in the input vcf was originally a 0/0, then these fields will contain 'nan' values
  • OLDGT: The original genotype of the region from the input SV callset.
  • If the predicted genotype differed from the input genotype, then the model will replace the GT field with the predicted genotype.

Back to our example

Now that we've got our annotated VCF, let's inspect one of the predictions and compare it with the samplot image.

# get the first DEL region from the vcf.  Print out the filename of the
# samplot image, the original genotype and the samplot-ml predicted genotype.
$ bcftools query -i 'SVTYPE="DEL"' -f '%CHROM-%POS-%INFO/END-[%SAMPLE].png\t[%OLDGT\t%GT]\n' HG03687-samplot-ml.vcf.gz | head -1

chr1-934098-934868-HG03687.png	0/1	1/1

It seems that in the very first deletion we came across, there was a difference between SVTyper's prediction and Samplot-ML's prediction. We went from a heterozygous deletion (0/1) to a homozygous alternate deletion (1/1). Let's take a look at the image in question. samplot-image