GCUA: General Codon Usage Analysis
I have made this code available as open source. It is provided as-is and needs to be compiled by the user.
compilation is easiest using the GCC compiler by typing:
gcc codon.c -o GCUA
The memory requirements are not particularly onerous right now and should be fine on most modern computers (~3Gb). The program can handle "genes" of length 2 million bp and it can handle 5 million genes in a single analysis.
If this memory requirement is too big, then you can either change this line in codon.h:
#define MAXGENLEN 2000000 /*Max length of a gene*/
if you don't have genes of length 2 million bp.
or this line
#define MAXNUMGEN 5000000 /*Max number of genes in a single analysis*/
if you have fewer than 5 million genes.
and recompile the program.