This is a simple calculator app built using React. It's a simple calulator app for a Math-magiciand, a fictional company based in France. The app is meant to assist them with their calculations. The app is not meant only to be fully-functional but have a beatiful UI and good UX.
It can successfully add, subtract, divide, multiply, find modulus and change sign of any given set of numbers inputted.
- JavaScript (ES6),
- React (Create React App),
- npm, yarn, eslint
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
You will need to have a recent version of Node.js, React, yarn and optionally eslint installed.
run git clone
run cd react-calculator
run yarn install
or npm install
run yarn start
or npm start
to launch app in development mode
run yarn build
or npm build
to build app for production
App deployed on heroku using create-react-app-buildpack for heroku.
👤 Maya Douglas (mcrd25)
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- The app was built using following instructions this repo
This project is MIT licensed.