rat is an extension to the classical tar archive, focused on allowing constant-time random file access with linear memory consumption increase. tape archive, was originally developed to write and read streamed sources, making random access to the content very inefficient.
Based on the benchmarks, we found that rat is 4x to 60x times faster over SSD and HDD than the classic tar file, when reading a single file from a tar archive.
Any tar file produced by rat is compatible with standard tar implementation.
The recommended way to install rat
go get -u github.com/mcuadros/go-rat/...
Import the package:
import "github.com/mcuadros/go-rat"
Converting a standard tar
file to a rat
src, _ := os.Open("standard.file.tar")
dst, _ := os.Create("extended.rat.file.tar")
defer src.Close()
defer dst.Close()
if err = AddIndexToTar(src, dst); err != nil {
Searching a specific file in a rat
archive, _ := os.Open("extended.rat.file.tar")
content, _ := archive.ReadFile("foo.txt")
//Prints: foo
These are some of the benchmarking results over differrent storage systems.
Fixture name explanation:
means a tar containing 5 files with a size between 1kb and 102kb.
SSD | TAR (ns) | RAT (ns) | times |
5_1.0KB_102KB | 367838 | 77236 | 4.76 |
100_1.0KB_102KB | 5925036 | 350116 | 16.92 |
1000_1.0KB_102KB | 58735369 | 3503317 | 16.77 |
6000_1.0KB_102KB | 349484665 | 20064072 | 17.42 |
60_1.0MB_21MB | 146302392 | 3402651 | 43.00 |
HDD | TAR (ns) | RAT (ns) | times |
5_1.0KB_102KB | 253406 | 54472 | 4.65 |
100_1.0KB_102KB | 3682796 | 282085 | 13.06 |
1000_1.0KB_102KB | 37834628 | 2396239 | 15.79 |
6000_1.0KB_102KB | 210841382 | 13913158 | 15.15 |
60_1.0MB_21MB | 166405959 | 2783659 | 59.78 |
GlusterFS | TAR (ns) | RAT (ns) | times |
5_1.0KB_102KB | 293252 | 130652 | 2.24 |
100_1.0KB_102KB | 4292723 | 362399 | 11.85 |
1000_1.0KB_102KB | 39632581 | 4468976 | 8.87 |
6000_1.0KB_102KB | 2413057504 | 16586371 | 145.48 |
60_1.0MB_21MB | 623461320 | 112529704 | 5.54 |