Hi, I’m Md. Arif Islam, a Software Developer with over 4 years of experience in web development, specializing in PHP, Laravel, WordPress themes and plugin development, and front-end technologies like Vue.js, Alpine.js, and Inertia.js. I’m also skilled in competitive programming with C/C++ and have a strong passion for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Currently focused on full-stack web development, web scraping and automation with Python, problem solving, and exploring cloud technologies.
I’m passionate about problem-solving and continuous learning, enjoying real-world challenges and staying updated with the latest tech. I enjoy and love collaborative environments, working closely with other developers to create meaningful, impactful solutions.
programming_languages: ['PHP', 'JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'Python', 'C/C++', 'SQL'],
front_end_technologies: ['Vue.js', 'React.js', 'Tailwind CSS', 'Alpine.js', 'Inertia.js'],
back_end_technologies: ['PHP', 'Laravel', 'Express.js'],
wordpress: ['Themes & Plugins Development', 'Elementor & Beaver Widgets Development'],
web_scraping_and_automation: ['Selenium(Python)'],
server_technologies: ['Nginx', 'Apache', 'Node.js'],
database_technologies: ['MySQL','MongoDB', 'PostgreSQL', 'Redis'],
others: ['Git & GitHub', 'Docker', 'Firebase', 'REST API', 'SSH', 'VPS', 'Competitive Programming']