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Style Transfer by Optimal Transport (Kolkin et al, 2019)

In this repository I aim to give a brief description and demonstration of the approach to neural style transfer described by Kolkin, Salavon, and Shakhnarovich in their 2019 article Style Transfer by Relaxed Optimal Transport and Self-Similarity.

The implementation I use here is part of my python package nstesia and can be found in its module kolkin_2019.


Kolkin's approach to neural style transfer is optimization based: Given a content image $x_c$ and a style image $x_s$, an initial pastiche image $x_p$ is chosen and iteratively modified to minimize a total loss function

$$ \mathcal{L}(x_c, x_s, x_p) = \frac{ \alpha\cdot l_c + l_m + l_r + \alpha^{-1}\cdot l_p }{2+\alpha+\alpha^{-1}} \quad, $$

where the parameter $\alpha$ denotes the content weight, and the loss terms $l_c$, $l_m$, $l_r$, and $l_p$ are defined below.

Denote by $\varphi$ a function representing a VGG16 feature extraction network pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset for object recognition. The function takes an image tensor $x$ of shape [H,W,3] as input and produces a feature tensor $\varphi(x)$ of shape [H,W,C] as output. This feature tensor consists of the feature responses for a subset of layers of the VGG16 network, linearly upsampled to the spatial dimensions of the image and concatenated along the channels axis. Below, I will use a bar over a tensor to denote its flattened version, e.g., I will write $\bar{x}_c$ for the content image viewed as a tensor of shape [H*W,3], and I will use the shorthand notation $\varphi_c = \varphi(x_c)$.

Let $V$ be a vector space with a distance function $d$ (not necessarily a metric). The relaxed earth movers distance between tensors $A \in V^{\otimes N}$ and $B \in V^{\otimes M}$ is defined as

$$ \operatorname{REMD}(A, B) = \max\Bigg( \frac{1}{N} \sum_i \min_j d(A_i, B_j), \frac{1}{M} \sum_j \min_i d(A_i, B_j) \Bigg) \quad. $$

The REMD loss $l_r$ is the relaxed earth movers distance

$$ l_r(x_s,x_p) = \operatorname{REMD}(\bar\varphi_s, \bar\varphi_p) $$

between the style and pastiche feature tensors with respect to the cosine distance $d_\text{cos}(v, w) = 1 - v \cdot w / (|v|\cdot|w|)$.

The color matching loss $l_p$ is also defined in terms of the relaxed earth movers distance

$$ l_p(x_s,x_p) = \operatorname{REMD}(\bar x_s, \bar x_p) \quad, $$

this time for the style and pastiche image tensors and with respect to the euclidian distance $d_\text{eucl}(v, w) = |v - w|_2$.

The moment matching loss $l_m$ is defined as

$$ l_m(x_s,x_p) = \frac{1}{C} \Big|\mu(\bar\varphi_s) - \mu(\bar\varphi_p)\Big|_1 + \frac{1}{C^2} \Big|\Sigma(\bar\varphi_s) - \Sigma(\bar\varphi_p)\Big|_1 \quad, $$

where, for a feature tensor $\bar\varphi$ of shape [N,C], $\mu(\bar\varphi)$ denotes the spatial average of shape [C] and $\Sigma(\bar\varphi)$ denotes the covariance matrix of shape [C,C].

Finally, the content loss $l_c$ is given by

$$ l_c(x_c,x_p) = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{i,j} \Bigg| \frac{D^c_{ij}}{\sum_i D^c_{ij}} - \frac{D^p_{ij}}{\sum_i D^p_{ij}} \Bigg| \quad, $$

where $D$ denotes the cosine distance matrix with entries $D_{ij} = d_\text{cos}(\bar\varphi_i, \bar\varphi_j)$.


To try Kolkin's optimal transport based approach to neural stylization, have a look at the notebook style-transport.ipynb. The images below were produced using it.

Note The images included here are lower quality jpeg files. I have linked them to their lossless png versions.

This first image shows a range of stylization for various different values of the content weight parameter. Kolkin implemented guided transfer, something I plan to add to my implementation in the future. With it, one could significantly improve these stylizations.

The following are two sets of stylizations of the same content images in the same styles as used to demonstrate various other style transfer methods. See, e.g., my repositories johnson-fast-style-transfer, dumoulin-multi-style-transfer, and ghiasi-arbitrary-style-transfer.

Note that Kolkin's approach to neural stylization seems to transfer style image patches. The method works very well for some content/style combinations while requiring careful parameter tuning for others. E.g., in the first style below (Petitjean's femmes au bain) a lower content weight or lower learning rate should significantly improve the stylization.


  • Kolkin, Salavon, Shakhnarovich - Style Transfer by Relaxed Optimal Transport and Self-Similarity, 2019. [pdf] [suppl] [code]
  • David Futschik - A reimplementation of STROTSS. [code]
  • Gatys, Ecker, Bethge - A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style, 2015. [pdf]