C# ASP.NET Core 8.0 Visual Trace Route Web Application
Based on the original repository: https://github.com/bencorn/traceroute
- Project converted to NetCore8
- Changed the maps implemented from Google Maps to OpenStreetMap
- Changed the IP information source from keycdn.com to ip-api.com
- Added a sidebar with the hops information
- Introduced the Unit Tests (Code coverage: > 80%)
- Many interface improvements
- Added a security check on all the inbound parameters to avoid command injection
You can use the following image to run Visual Trace Route locally: michele73/traceroute:1.2.3
Example: docker run -d -p 8081:80 --name=traceroute --restart=always -v traecroute_logs:/app/logs michele73/traceroute:1.2.3
The image repository is here: https://hub.docker.com/r/michele73/traceroute
You can view a live demo of the Trace Route application here: https://traceroute.di-maria.it/