I carried out this project as part of MyDigitalProject, an exercise taking place throughout the B3 year at MyDigitalSchool.
MyDigitalProject involves collaboration between the school's various sectors (web development, webdesign, webmarketing and digital), on a digital project.
The aim of this project was both to get us to practice and apply our different skills and to collaborate with other digital professions. But the main objective of this project was to train us in an aspect that is very important in business: project management.
We generally had one day a week of classes dedicated to the project, during which various speakers were on hand to guide us. As a result, we worked on this project throughout the year, learning many things and applying the skills we had acquired at school and in the workplace. We started the project at the beginning of the year by putting together a team and coming up with a project idea.
There were four of us in the group (one member from each sector). I first proposed an idea I'd had in mind for a while to the other members of the group, and after some discussion, we decided to create a web application enabling digital players to find their partners on projects (a kind of professional social network, with a digital focus).
Cocreate's main objective was to help people with the same or complementary interests and skills (e.g. developer with UX/UI designer) to collaborate in an efficient and fulfilling way. The application was to be a virtual space where users could present their project ideas and search for potential partners. Whether creating a mobile application, developing an innovative website, or even realizing an artistic project, Cocreate offered the possibility of finding the right people to work hand in hand, on the same wavelength.