Obtain Antarctic and Southern Ocean Sea Ice imagery from the BOM
This is a rough prototype and only some of the parameters are built in and generalized properly. Work in progress.
- allow ability to put .gfw and .prj (or .vrt) next to original GIF
- Allow control over which image (9D, 8D, 7D, etc.)
- remove dependence on rgdal by hardcoding projected control points into package
- build more visualization examples
Install with devtools.
ant <- subset(countriesHigh, SOVEREIGNT == "Antarctica")
durv <- asosi(as.Date("2015-07-30"), region = "durville")
#> Warning in download.file(fname, tfile, mode = "wb"): cannot open: HTTP
#> status was '404 Not Found'
durvmap <- spTransform(ant, projection(durv))
durvgrat <- graticule(seq(135, 160, by = 5), seq(-70, -60, by = 2), proj = projection(durv))
plot(durv, addfun = function() {plot(durvmap, add = TRUE); plot(durvgrat, add = TRUE)}, maxpixels = ncell(durv))
#writeRaster(durv, gsub(".gif", ".tif", basename(durv)))
regions <- c(
"casey", "davis", "durville", "mawson", "shackleton", "terranova",
"westice", "ragnhild", "enderby", "capeadare", "sabrina"
for (jj in seq_along(regions)) {
simap <- asosi(region = regions[jj])
elx <- extent(projectExtent(simap, "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"))
lon <- seq((xmin(elx) %/% 5) * 5, ((xmax(elx) %/% 5) + 1) * 5, by = 5)
lat <- seq((ymin(elx) %/% 2) * 2, (ymax(elx) %/% 2 + 1) * 2, by = 2)
## put this in the function as a return property
date <- as.Date(paste(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"), substr(basename(filename(simap)), 10, 13)), "%Y %m%d")
map <- spTransform(ant, projection(simap))
grat <- graticule(lon, lat, proj = projection(simap), nverts = 80)
plot(simap, addfun = function() {plot(map, add = TRUE); plot(grat, add = TRUE)}, maxpixels = ncell(simap))
title(sprintf("%s %s", regions[jj], format(date)), line = -1.5, bg = "grey")