Experimental implementation of ixml in Rust. Currently targeting the 20220620 spec.
The very early version of running against the test suite is now working. You specify a path the the ixml test suite from the command line. Most of ixml grammar is supported, other than insertions, comments, and some details around string quoting and Unicode support.
Currently re-thinking error handling, in a more Rust-idiomatic way. Also looking at error-stack
RUST_LOG=info RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run -- suite ../../ixml/tests/correct/test-catalog.xml
more generally, performance profiling and optimization
flamegraph profiling?
As of May 1, 2023, no AI generated code has been used in any part of this project.
Since this is a learning project, I intend to experiment with different code generation products in the future, and will use these solely for helping to generate testing code, harnesses, and suites. Since the validity of copyright of machine-generated code is under debate, I will change the license on affected modules to something much more relaxed, though the core modules will remain as-is.
Invisible XML: https://invisiblexml.org/
Test Suite: https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/tree/master/tests
Vulturine Guinea Fowl: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulturine_guineafowl