The phrails-bin project is just getting the job of creating a new phrails project. In all honesty it is a bunch of crappy code. This needs a great deal of refactoring to get into a nice piece of code. Until then it is what it is.
Clone and add the cloned directory to your path.
Clone this to create phrails projects.
To create a new project with the framework included run:
./phrails <project_name> true
To create a new project with an existing phrails framework:
./phrails <project_name>
<project_name> can be the name, if you want it to be created in the directory you are currently in.
<project_name can also be a full path to where you want it to be installed.
Set your namespace. Open:
On line 2 fill out your namespace name for the application. Standard is to camel case. For example:
define('PR_APPLICATION_NAMESPACE', 'Net\Mediaslave\ToDo');
Copy namespace name to ApplicationController and "use" the models. Open:
Starting on line 5 it should look like:
namespace \App\Controllers;
use \App\Models;
In our example above we will now change this line to look like:
namespace Net\Mediaslave\ToDo\App\Controllers;
use Net\Mediaslave\ToDo\App\Models;
I really do not like to do the "What Next" step, but time has not allowed me to do this properly.
In the future you will be able to do:
./phrails <project_name:string> <namespace:string> <framework:boolean>
Until then "What Next" is needed. :(