This package implements a SpaCy component for modifying the string of a doc before tokenizing.
This component is useful in clinical text processing for cleaning up text formatting, normalizing abbreviations or misspellings, and removing problematic semi-structured template texts.
The Preprocessor
class is instantiated with the tokenizer of a spaCy Language
To add the preprocessor to your pipeline, you must set it to be the tokenizer:
from nlp_preprocessor import Preprocessor
preprocessor = Preprocessor(nlp.tokenizer)
nlp.tokenizer = preprocessor
Processing steps are then added to the preprocessor by calling preprocessor.add(rules)
. The
preprocessor then executes each of the processing steps and finally returns tokenizer(text)
to return a spaCy Doc
You can access the original tokenizer through preprocessor.tokenizer
The PreprocessingRule
class offers one way to define preprocessing steps. This class takes a compiled regular
expression pattern as well as an optional replacement string (default is a blank string) and description.
When a rule is executed on the text it will replace any occurrences of the pattern with the replacement string.
from nlp_preprocessor import PreprocessingRule
import re
rule = PreprocessingRule(re.compile("there"), repl="world!")
doc = preprocessor("Hello, there")
>>> Hello, world!
You can use any Python callable as a rules, such as lambda functions or other objects, as long as they take the text as input and return the text as output.
You can install nlp_preprocessor
using pip:
pip install nlp_preprocessor
Or clone this repository install using the
$ python install
Once you've installed the package and spaCy, make sure you have a spaCy language model installed (see
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
In this short example below, we'll use the preprocessor to delete templated text, lower-case the document, and expand an abbreviation.
from nlp_preprocessor import Preprocessor, PreprocessingRule
import spacy
import re
text = "TOBACCO SCREENING: The patient does/does not smoke tobacco daily. Purpose of visit: R/O pneumonia."
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
preprocessor = Preprocessor(nlp.tokenizer)
nlp.tokenizer = preprocessor
rules = [
PreprocessingRule(re.compile("TOBACCO SCREENING: The patient does/does not smoke tobacco daily."),
desc="Remove tobacco screening."),
lambda x: x.lower(),
PreprocessingRule(re.compile("r/o"), repl="rule out", desc="Normalize 'rule out' abbreviation."),
doc = nlp(text)
>>> purpose of visit: rule out pneumonia.