.NET 8 Blazor project that parses, saves and displays ADS-B messages exposed by the hostname:8754/flights.json endpoint of a FlightRadar24 feeder..
The blazor website has several pages for data visualization, containing sortable/filterable/paginated tables.
MudBlazor UI components are used. Default ASP.NET Identity is used for user management.
Photos of persisted airplanes are fetched from the Planespotters API.
A background worker service scrapes the FR24feed tracked.json endpoint at a configurable interval and persists any new information to the database. Planes with unique ICAO registration codes are persisted, as well as any unique 'flight messages'.
A flight message is a position report containing the following info (some are optional):
- Registration
- Callsign
- Altitude
- Squawk
- Lat & Lon
- Groundspeed
Please note that this project is not affiliated with FlightRadar24 in any way.