RocketList is a react website that we pulled inspiration from Craigslist, Yahoo Answer, and Reddit. It allows for different topics and for people to make a post where others can make comments. We also added a feature that let users join chat rooms of a specific post so that they can discuss in real time what ever they wanted to.
You will need to npm install
to get all of the npm packages.
Also note that this application has separate servers that handle the application database and one that handles the chat.
Like all websites nowadays we allow for people to create accounts and login.
In this application we have categories with subcategories. Users can uses these subcategories to find post specifically or post on them. Once logged in you will see a Make a Post
button that opens a form that allows for a new post to be made.
Once on a post you can click on a post and be directed to the post page. On the post page you can add a comment.
Again, on the post page. At the bottom of the post there is a chat button. Once you click on the chat it will redirect you to a join page. When you click on the join chat button you will then be sent to a unqiue chat room based on the post you came from.
Special Thanks: